Walter Mercado: January 01 Horoscopes

Enter what you want the destination to be 31 December 2020 with the best of horoscope by Walter Mercado, check the predictions of your day, you death number and commenza el día con el pie derecho ¡buena fortuna para ti, aquí en La Verdad News!


Receive 2021 with a positive mindset. Propose to cultivate your spiritual and mystical gift in order to enjoy mental peace and find the unconditional love of your serenity. Forgive your mistakes and keep going with the security that you have to triumph over everything you propose.

Sort numbers: 7, 15, 22.

TO BE INTERESTED: Chinese Horoscope for December 31st, 2020


It seems that you know how to express yourself and give yourself the pleasant, gentle and compassionate load you have, and that the problems with the main characters like his father or the elderly can be complicated. Receive 2021 with a positive action and see that it will be exit.

Suortos numbers: 20, 16, 9.


Since the beginning of 2021 and your creativity and personality is exalted, haciéndote very popular and attractive. On the other hand, all teenagers who regulate their financial situation and make sure that the guests do not have to balance. For your part, to make peace in your sentimental relationships.

Suortos Numbers: 11, 9.14.


In this new year, the rare, the different will pay attention to you and you will be inclined to plan a vacation to a place never visited by you. Your intuition will be exalted, and you will be in the right place, as well as reconciling the correct person to the hour of election.

Sort numbers: 1, 25, 43.


Dale the well-being in 2021 with the same dedication and effort as it has now hecho and everything will be resolved in favor of you. There will be changes in your laboratory environment, even if the principle is not the same, there will be many positives. Tien fe in that in the final tendras excit.

Suortos numbers: 18, 30, 10.


The 2021 will be an exciting year for you. You will be drawn to situations such as great and mysterious, something rare in you. Do not expose yourself to extreme extremes by risking your life or reputation. If you do, the same thing happens to you. Diviértete y sonríele a la vida.

Suortos numbers: 28, 49, 4.


Dedicate one hour of your first day of the year to relax, enjoy the good company or simply meditate. I do not intend to initiate any further action at this time or to do so. The precipitated things can cause complications and retreats.

Suortos numbers: 8, 41, 6.


In 2021 we will have the opportunity to work together to receive the cooperation that is needed. If you control all the explosions of courage, when the things are not marched in your manner you can drive away what you have tried to do. Confia in that tendras excit.

Suortos numbers: 16, 37, 1.


Deja atras will all the negative that it affects in 2020 and receive with a positive and renewed activity in 2021. You hogar is subject to a physical transformation as in its spiritual entourage. There will be some algae notices that will be found at some time and will be allegorical.

Suortos numbers: 1, 21, 3.


In this 2021 the health will be the most important for you. Physical activities with moderation will do much for you. Do not pass your routine medication quotas and follow your diet regimen with sabiduria. Serving of arbiter or mediator with great success in any problem.

Suortos numbers: 11, 7, 20.


In this new year it is impressive that seas are clearer in what deseas express. Organize the best you can. It’s time to revise, verify that everything is in order and working well. If you have a positive attitude in action and will be like everyone else, it will take a lot of chaos to get to their place.

Suortos numbers: 9, 27, 40.

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Be more flexible and recover the lost time, it will be what you propose for this new year. Family relationships will now be the focus of attention. Necesitas extends, restores and in some situations puts in contact with that person who has been abiding by you.

Suortos numbers: 38, 40, 9.

Note to the readers: Betty B. Mercado, author and collaborator of the failed astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy of writing the horoscopes.

The new COVID-19 chain continues to be extended worldwide. Gypsy and Google News and information.
