Walter Mercado: Horoscopes of January 16

Enter what you want the destination to be January 16, 2021 with the best of horoscope de Walter Mercado, check the predictions of your day, your number of grief and start the day with the right fortune for you, here in La Verdad News!


Fast an overall result is positive and todo aquello que comiences hoy. There is a desire to embark on a new project related to studies or work. You will be a positive, festive, honest and caring Cuida without embarrassment of not abandoning your family responsibilities.

Suortos numbers: 39, 4, 33.


There is a time of contact with friends or relatives and some of them have a very good dinner offer. You’re active with new friends who love your space. Look behind any mascara that the person lives and do not have to worry about how much they offer.

Suortos numbers: 10, 22, 17.


Entierra preoccupations ya que it time when you relajes and enjoy your moments tan agradables within your circle verktoud. Feel free to make changes as you go along with decorating or renovating the surrounding areas. Relationships with mayors are favorably supported.

Suortos numbers: 9, 18, 1.


You will now have the unconditional help of someone you admire and love from time immemorial. The day is excellent for giving action to any idea that surja of your mind does not import the place that the mist is appearing in these moments. En el amor, te buscan, te desean.

Suortos numbers: 9, 22, 17.


It’s time to cheat, to exterminate your sentimental feelings towards that special person. You will express yourself with pleasure and you will enjoy love demonstrations affecting your partner. You will win with a sunrise and conquer the coronation of all.

Suerte numbers; 15, 5, 23.


Your horizons expand in relation to your work, studies or profession. There will be much to do with you, of those who love you and your people. They are located in the quivering room to walk with everything structured or conventional. Hallarás the solution to a problem that you asked.

Sort numbers: 21, 5, 27.


The horoscope says that your sense of justice must express your feelings of an extended and clear manner. I like to exchange ideas and perform a lot of attention to what the demos have to say without being criticized. You will be satisfied to be able to help others log on to their metas.

Suortos numbers: 17, 14, 10.


You like the art itself. The presence of love is very latent and tends to make you very special. I’m recollecting what seems to be the past. Your desires to stabilize so much in the economic plan as staff are realized.

Suortos numbers: 21, 10, 19.


Nothing could be detained. Your work is sent to you for inspiration to help you find other proposals in your life. A friendly person will give you unconditional support. You have many talented people who are willing to pay for your benefits and those of you.

Sort numbers: 22, 1, 6.


Personal situations are complicated at the moment, but little by little and with patience they will resolve. Maintain in your routine, adapt and follow the curriculum to those who pretend to change. No cedas ante las demandas de otros nie. Entire toda usuo preoccupation.

Sort numbers: 30, 5, 1.


You are spiritual and mental. Look for those who are overweight and who are very sensitive. Have a love affair with each other, with your solitude and all that you want to do little by little. Correct mistakes and do not forget the lessons learned through the mistakes.

Suortos numbers: 10, 2, 6.

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It seems that your projects are now all about a triumphant. It’s time to change negative actions and get rid of clutter in your life wherever you limit it. Coming to lose those who have some offensive manner. Proponte llevar amor donde existe obscuridad.

Suortos numbers: 11, 3, 14.

Note to the readers: Betty B. Mercado, author and collaborator of the failed astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy of writing the horoscopes.

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