Walter Mercado: Horoscopes from January 15th

Enter what you want the destination to be January 15, 2021 with the best of horoscope de Walter Mercado, check the predictions of your day, your number of grief and start the day with the right fortune for you, here in La Verdad News!


It’s time to strengthen or stabilize your personal relations. Do not say yes to when you say you do. An exchange of thoughts and sentiments between you and your partner. You will be surprised by the changes that can be made to ensure that this relationship is lost.

Suortos numbers: 10, 22, 9.


The cambios that are living in the cabin in your personal life are not the lot of many. Complacer a todo el mundo es tarea imposible y tu tu sabes mejor que nadie. This time gives the reason, being patient and persistent. A person much mayor that you, treat, but can not tax your life.

Suortos numbers: 17, 32, 46.


Everything is very clear in your life. What worked in the past did not work now. Do not repeat old mistakes by last or by pen. Release of this person from your step that will become a victim, ‘interfering with an actual relationship. Be sincere in expressing your feelings, you will not have anything to look forward to.

Suortos numbers: 39, 12, 48.


The horoscope says that social activities not planned promise to be a success. Accept invitations and talk about all kinds of distractions. Propose to enjoy every day that does not import what happens. What happens to your truck while you are happy? Sé valiente, sé feliz.

Suortos numbers: 8, 16, 12.


Confidence in your talents, your good juice, your experience and your sabiduria. Corrige acts of derrotistas and sataturate de paz infinita. Lleva tus proyectos a cabo sin intermediarios. The presence of other people in your presence will only complicate the life and you will not need it in these moments.

Suortos numbers: 11, 22, 35.


No changes of tonterías. Geen hables, opinies o kritiek watello que no conoces bien a fondo. Think well of what you want to say, get it. Study the different points of view of the people and invest in each situation before giving them advice. Ante todo problem mantente sereno.

Suortos numbers: 26, 15, 2.


These are useless victims. Pon in practice all that has learned from his past experiences. Keep an inventory of your life and correct the failures in which they are found. There are no issues with problems that we have with our tenants.

Suortos numbers: 2, 19, 5.


Relax, procure a moment of meditation in the morning to organize your ideas before launching to the calf. Apply to your center to get the most out of it. Take care of your personal life. No statements tu vida privada a nadie.

Suortos numbers: 14, 34, 18.


If you can test your tolerance levels. It presents itself as a treaty to help others get into serious trouble. Allow each one to recover as much as possible. Ahorra your energy for what is really important in your life. Relax and diversify.

Suortos numbers: 13, 40, 23.


Finalize everything as legal as you can. An effort with family or friends to be able to put in action your plans from time to time. Look for new sources of information on inversion and how to correct your money wisely and intelligently.

Suortos numbers: 3, 9, 11.


Organize your work and activities from time to time during the season. Find the arriesgarte in water that you like. Every investment in money promises to be successful and studies are well under way. Be more optimistic about how much you expect from everything you see.

Suortos numbers: 5, 42, 37.

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Tendrás ahora suerte en asuntos de amor. Lánzate sin miedo alguno a la conquista. Pon enfasis in your physical and mental health. Look for the manner of involving in any plan of ownership that you estimate in a salutary diet. Enfatiza in the natural, the organic, the real and the saludable.

Suertos Numbers: 41, 8, 25.

Note to the readers: Betty B. Mercado, author and collaborator of the failed astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy of writing the horoscopes.

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