Wall Street suffers a fortune in the sale of technology companies ‘shares and the United States’ Treasury bonus

Newlyweds Agents in New York, United States.  EFE / Justin Lane / Archive
New York City Bolsa Agents, United States Bolsa. EFE / Justin Lane / Archive

The main indexes of Wall Street sufren una fuerte caída este jueves, arrested by the mayor in the middle of the massive sale of technology companies’ shares and the return on the treasury of the Treasury of the United States.

Según The Wall Street Journal, the Dow Jones, used as a reference in the bursatil park, is more than 550 points (a 1.7 per cent) due to its historic record, including the high school.

The Nasdaq, which embraces technological principles, is losing more than 3 percent of its value and will close its peer-to-peer record from October. The actions of Apple, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) on Netflix perdían más del 2 por cietno a tres horas del cierre. Tesla, Elon Musk’s electric car company, lost 5.5 per cent, losing its way to 2021 gains.

The analysts ‘explanations are moving as the investors’ efforts to speed up the economy’s reactivation. Geen hindernis, the speed with which the sentiment was transferred to the bottom of the bonuses was generated a migration from the most volatile sectors of the market.

Practically the only exception is the cataloged actions as “memes”, between which they are GameStop, the protagonist of a rare “rally” and took place during my trip. Specifically, the video game company has a 68 per cent, while those of the Chinese chain AMC lo hizo at a 9.8 per cent.

Vista de la Bolsa de Nueva York, en Nueva York (EE.UU.).  EFE / EPA / JUSTIN LANE
Vista de la Bolsa de Nueva York, en Nueva York (EE.UU.). EFE / EPA / JUSTIN LANE

Treasury bond yields are down 10 years to 1.46 per cent, the figure being one year higher. Represents a drastic crime rate compared to the rate of 0.92 per cent that must be paid only two months.

“The bonus market is reacting to a positive crime of the economy”, dijo a The Associated Press Brent Schutte, the Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company. “Meaning that there is some hope on the horizon”, added.

The behavior of the market has the same day on which it is known that the economy of the United States will grow by 4.1 per cent during the last quarter of 2020, a little faster than the forecast.

The effect of the government’s mediating estimates and the accelerated distribution of vacancies could increase a 5 per cent the rhythm of crime in the current quarter which concludes in March, including more, crene the economists.

However, we also analyze that the country is in a position to make a strong point. Many of them project a holiday bag of 5 per cent or more in the current quarter, while some forecasts the situation is at 9 per cent.

Until 2021, economists will have a PBI crime of 6 per cent. This is the most recent annual crime since 7.2 in 1984 when Ronald Reagan was president.

An aspect that aligns optimism about economic recovery is the aggravated decline in the new infections of COVID-19 and a recent increase in minority sales, a sector that has faced difficulties in North American countries.

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