Wall Street contribution with alzas tras the firm of the estimate plan and the Dow Jones set a new record


Wall street contribution with gains this month and its main indicator, the Dow jones de Industriales, sube 0.8% has a new record at a market session by the President of the United States President Donald Trump, on a new economic stimulus plan for the coronavirus crisis.

After two hours of operation, the Dow Jones rushed 250 points 30,450 units, taxed by large contributors such as Apple (2.11%), Disney (1.44%), McDonald’s (1.09%) and UnitedHealth (1.08%). In addition, the S&P 500 selectively advanced 0.8% and the Nasdaq Composite Index, which aggregates the most important technologies, advanced 0.7%.

The park neoyorquino is located in intradia records animasie deur die firma Trump die domingo a un proyecto de ley que incluye el segundo plan de estimulo approve this year in the country, for 900,000 million dollars, and another 1.4 trillion to finance the Administration until September 2021.

During a week-long debate on his approval, Trump approved ratifying the agreement, agreed by Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The text extend federal aid to the designees and concede prestaos avalados a las empresas. The President of the Republic also approves a proposal for the financing of the Federal State, which will allow the closure of public services on March.


The mandate, however, is new, that the single payment of 600 dollars to millions of contributors to compensate for the pandemic is up to 2,000 dollars, so that it is opposed to its own party and that, record, will vote this month in la Cámara Baja.

The inverses affront with energy the last week of bursa of the year, which will end this year, three different days of Christmas festivities that he gave to the principals indicating their openings in the middle of a reduced volume of negotiation.

In one week of the Second Coming of the Senate in Georgia, the inversions are based on a recovery in the form of V thanks to the evacuation against covid-19, but a potential for the blue azria to accelerate the rotation of the values”, Opinó in a note by analyst Ed Moya, from the company OANDA.

Wall Street has ten hopefuls of vacancies in the EU and Europe, but also it is dependent on a potential oil of contagious provocation at family reunions in these closed, tal y como advirtió este domingo el principal epidemiologog de EE.UU., Anthony Fauci.

For sectors, the major mayors are ahead of energy companies (1%), technologies (0.97%) and basic materials (0.82%).

In other markets, the Texas bajaba oil was $ 48.04 a barrel, the gold rose to $ 1,987.50 a year, Treasury bond yields returned to 0.955% in 10 years and the dollar depreciated against the euro, with a change of 1 22234.

(With EFE information)


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