Wahoo launches KICKR 2020 direct connection cable: practical details


Last summer when Wahoo announced the KICKR V5 / 2020, one of the new features was a new port on the side of the trainer that would allow you to connect it to your home network (or office), as a way to bypass any wireless connection. problems you may have. Although most of us use wireless connections just fine, some of us are not so lucky – especially if we live in a crowded RF space like a large apartment building. Likewise, it can also be attractive for certain esports events.

However, the KICKR V5 / 2020 did not actually have an Ethernet port on the side, but rather something similar to a telephone port. This in turn would require you to buy an adapter (or a dongle) and plug it in. Then you would connect the cable to it. After that, apps will be updated to see this new connection type (in addition to the usual ANT + and Bluetooth Smart connections).

Long story short – from this morning you can now buy the $ 99 dongle.

Now I planned to release a full in-depth review today … but … umm … things are not going smoothly. In this rare scenario, however, I do not think it is the product itself, but rather the timing. Simply put: the third-party apps are not all ready yet and the final firmware has just arrived in the last few days to get it ready. If it was a week from now, it would probably be a different story. But from this second moment, when the embargo is lifted, the applications are a furry but proven crew who seem to have just completed a hard night outside the pubs. All the bars … all the drinks … all night.

So, I’ll be back next week or so with the final review and all the app players. The review will look vague like this post, but with much more detail on some nuances and how each app implemented it. It’s also the best introduction to a video I’ve ever shot.

The quick details:


Above is the box in which you will receive the Direct Connect cable, this is about like any other Wahoo Fitness box. Inside you will find the dongle and an extension cable for the loose dongle. And yes, I’m going to keep saying dongle. Because … I’m a five year old boy.


The extension cable is actually there when you fall over the Ethernet cable because it will disconnect cleanly rather than tearing your dongle or KICKR port. It works in the same way as their power cable. If there was one redeeming aspect to not having a native Ethernet port, it would be the fast security cable.


Either way, grab the quick-connect cable and the dongle and stick all the pieces to your KICKR V5 / 2020.


Oh, and then plug an Ethernet cable into it:


Then plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into your router / hub / switch (technically you can plug it directly into the Ethernet port of a computer if you like):


Remember, the goal here is to get the KICKR data stream to your home network. The app device you are using may be wired (like a computer) or wireless (like a phone). While it may seem counter-intuitive to then go back to a wireless tablet or phone, the reality is that for most people it is not the WiFi outage, but the outage with ANT + or Bluetooth Smart (due to WiFi or other interference). Still, in my case I used both a wired Apple TV (for fun), a Mac (WiFi) and an iOS device (WiFi) to demonstrate all the variants.

If you open the Wahoo Fitness app (the one where you can connect sensors and such), you will see the KICKR status of the Direct Connect connection (shown below ‘KICKR CLIMB’). It will show ‘disconnect’ for the TCP connection status if an app is not actively using it. It allows one simultaneous app via Ethernet at the same time.

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Now open our favorite coach app to connect. Officially, Wahoo said the following in their press release today:

“As of today, Wahoo’s SUF training system, TrainerRoad, FulGaz and RGT Cycling are compatible. Other platforms are expected to be compatible in the coming months, including Zwift. ”

Officially, here is the actual status of all the programs at the time it comes into operation:

FulGaz: In beta builds, but still not fully working in my test
RGT: Fully functional in public version
The Sufferfest: It’s presumably working in production, but not for me or others
Coaching path: In certain beta buildings, but not yet fully functional. Target in early February for release.
Zwift: According to Zwift’s product and PR team, the real official target is “later this year”

I have not checked with all the other training programs yet, but will add it to the list if they shoot over their ETAs.

And since Zwift is obviously the elephant in the room here (and probably the platform that needs it the most), here’s the full quote from Zwift about the one, based on my question about when exactly it will be compatible with Zwift:

‘The initial work has begun and Zwift will provide support for the Wahoo Direct Connect adapter on all platforms once all QA tests are completed later this year.

Hard deadline in the game is not in sight at the moment, but we will announce it as soon as we get further in the testing process. ”

Do you have it all? Okay, now we choose the one app that works for me today: RGT. To do this, use your mobile companion app to search for devices on the network. A few seconds later, the Wahoo KICKR trainer as well as Direct Connect trainer will count as a Bluetooth trainer (it was on iOS). It has a special icon that looks like a broom. I know … I know … it’s supposed to look like a Wahoo dongle.


In this case, the Direct Connect connection will provide power and cadence, as well as coach control. However, the ANT + and Bluetooth connections are still available to connect, such as with a watch or bicycle computer. On the KICKR itself you can see that both lights are on at the rear and keep on, indicating a direct connection:


After that, you drive simply as normal. There is no difference or significant change here. It does not transmit data faster or slower or more frequently. It is identical.


And it’s similar on FulGaz (on Apple TV) – you’ll see the ‘Network’ option there for each connection


With that, it’s all about it. The purpose of Wahoo (and the apps I talked to) is to make it completely transparent to you. You just plug the cable into your network, and then your device / app finds the trainer and you’re done.

And if you ask me a week or two from now, I’m sure it’s going to work exactly that way. Unfortunately, it is not completely baked today. Therefore, in another week or two, I’ll be circling back once these programs have had a few minutes to get everything working, and dive into more of the nuanced details (like comparisons of the data streams side by side). All the geeky goodness you expected.



Like I said before, I’ll be looking back with the full app test results (including what I still have a few tests going on that are hilarious or sketchy … probably both) as soon as I get the last of the non-Zwift programs are compatible. Since Zwift will only be here ‘later this year’, I’m not going to wait for them. On a random day in 2021 when they release an update to make it compatible, I will return and update this post with how it works in Zwift.

Ultimately, though, I suspect the Wahoo Direct Connect adapter (also known as dongle) will be a short-lived product. Not because there’s anything wrong with it, but because I see no chance, it’s something other than a one-hit wonder. Meaning, I would be blown away by surprise (and disappointed) if the next KICKR or KICKR Bike simply did not let it build internally. The reason why it was obviously not in the KICKR V5 / 2020 was just the timing. And while I do not know when Wahoo plans to release a new KICKR, it has historically been fairly consistent for the end of each August (except for the year they released a smart bike instead). This means that this product has a practical time frame of 8 months. Of these, Zwift may not be compatible at all during that period.

Of course, people will have KICKR V5 coaches for years, and boatloads of them have been sold for the past 6-7 months. The dongle will therefore always be bought by those people for years.

Now, while the dongle itself is likely to run out, I would expect the underlying Direct Connect technology to become a standard option on Wahoo trainers / bikes – and probably industry standard (somehow). Esports requirements are likely to apply some of this, even though the feature is rarely used by most ordinary consumers. So even if the adapter hardware is a bit flammable, the development effort associated with it will not be a waste – it will probably be integrated into future Wahoo products.

Anyway, more in my final review.

With that – thanks for reading!
