Voting rights for Patricio Pazmiño’s candidacy for the Corte IDH impulsion by Bolivia Politics | Notice

The Ecuadorian State has not applied for the renovation of the Juices of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the region.

Since the civil society has been preoccupied with the decision of the State of Bolivia to impose the candidacy and the resolution of Patricio Pazmiño Freire as juez de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH).

The 51.ª General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OEA) the scenario will take place tomorrow where the renovation of the juices of the IDH Court, which will take place in Guatemala, has not yet been completed.

The official communication will be sent to the Organization on March 30 and it will be explained in detail that the mission “has the right to present the candidacy of Patricio Pazmiño Freire on the occasion of the Judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for the period 2022- 2027

Patricio Pazmiño was elected Vice President of the CorteIDH

The Bolivian Diary Page Siete also received this April 16, in a publication, that the Permanent Mission of Bolivia has resulted in this post.

In this context, the President of this country is Luis Arce, of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), in connection with the ideology of the denominated socialism of the XXI, which promotes the President of Ecuador Rafael Correa.

It was precisely the governor of Correa who responded to Pazmiño in order to be the judge of the Court, considered one of the most important organisms of the region in human rights matters.

For its part, the Ecuadorian State has not posted any candidacy for the next period.

Mauricio Alarcón, Director of the Organization of Governments, Ciudadanía y Desarrollo Foundation (FCD) discredited with this candidacy and criticized the governing body of Lenín Moreno.

“Surprising the commission of the Ecuadorian Governor to present a candidate for the Court, more so when I saw that Iban did not encourage Pazmiño’s rejection. The omission, in this case of the Chancellery, abridged the gate for which Bolivia postulate that in a clear manner has been vindicated, not with the human rights, meaning that there is a political alphabet of the socialism of sail XXI “, question.

In CorteIDH, Patricio Pazmiño debuts with cases in Ecuador

The Peruvian Ursula Indacochea, director of Judicial Independence Program of the Foundation for the Debate Process (DPLF), explained that it was allowed that a country present a candidacy of any nationality and that it was a successor, when Costa Rica mailed in 1979 to Thomas Buergenthal (a Holocaust survivor), for which “it is ironic that he claims to the height of this exmagistrado ”.

Aggregate that the States nominate their nationals, because they “show the prestige and show that their country belongs to high-ranking lawyers, and to the high academic and democratic credentials of these people”.

Pero “nominate an extranjero and indirectly admit that there are no more candidatures, which will be created in the Bolivian case. In addition, there is a nomination for the election, it is said, a candidate that the country proposal (Ecuador) that the proposal did not want to propose again ”, Indacochea said.

The statute of the Corte IDH establishes that this organism “consists of the national juices of the Member States of the OEA, elected to the personal title of lawyer of the highest moral authority, of reconciling competence in human rights matters, which are reunited the conditions required for the ownership of the most elevated judicial functions, in accordance with the law of the State of which are national or of the State which the apostles as candidates ”.

They are elected for a term of six years and can only be elected once. This is the culmination of this 2021.

The period of the juices, agreed with its normative, is “from the 1st of January following its election and will be extended until the 31st of December of the year in which the differences are planned”. (I)
