Volvo James Rodríguez at Everton next to West Ham, in Premier League

News items from International Football

The Colombian volley played the last 25 minutes in the 1-0 draw. Due to a problem spier geen actuaba from the 5th of December. Yerry Mina holds the title in the team of Carlo Ancelotti, who will lead four consecutive victories in the tournament.

Colombian James Rodríguez, who suffered from muscular problems in the game since December 5, entered the 69th minute of the game in which his team, Everton, scored 1-0 as the local frontman at West Ham, on Sunday 16 the Premier League of England.

In the first game of 2021 at Goodison Park, the team led by Italian Carlo Ancelotti completed a discreet action and desperately needed the opportunity to score a point in the league, Liverpool.

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Yerry Mina defended his title in the defense and James Rodríguez played the last 25 minutes without any influence. The flying cucumber, which has 26 days without an actuary, is responsible for the songs, but there is a lack of rhythm.

Con la derrota, Everton have a point of 29 points and el torneo, a team of Liverpool (33) and Manchester United (30) and Leicester (29). The Azulas will play a series of four consecutive victories in the Premier League.

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The West Ham goal, which was approved by one of the clear options players, was 85 minutes into the game by Thomas Soucek.

Everton will have to play Saturday 9 January, ahead of Rotherham, for the FA Cup round. Three days after the visit to Wolves, by the Premier League.

With the victory, the West Ham ascended to the top right, with 26 units, just three minutes away from Everton.
