Voice conservers are tempted to use Biden’s kit packet permanently. Las consideran un despilfarro | News Univision Politica

Due to the differences in the packages approved this year passed by a bipartisan supporter, it proposes not to receive a single Republican vote in any of the legislative chambers, reflecting the polarization market that dominates the state capital and that it will be complied with Biden.

The leader of the Republican minority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, described it as “one of the few peoples he has seen.”

McConnell wrote on Twitter that the legislation is a “classic example of a large democratic limitation and the number of aid by covid. Only 1% of total vacancies and less than 9% of total sanitary expenditure”.

In Cámara Baja, Republican Liz Cheney told reporters that the party “included apartments that were not run by specific groups, no temps and were not related to the covid. There is no ten that will be there. faction. I’m willing to allow bipartisan approval and support “.

In addition to detaining the pandemic and reactivating the labor market, the legislation will mitigate inequality in the first place, reduce infantile poverty in the midst of it, help families with food insecurity, allow public transport, inject funds to read more and sanitize the finances of state and local governments.

Wendy Edelberg, director of the Hamilton Project (a dependency of the study center The Brookings Institution dedicated to proposing new public policies) applause the legislation on its social benefits.

“One of the estimates he has seen is that for families at 20% lower in the distribution of ingress, the lee represents an increase of 20% in its net ingress. This is extraordinary”, indicated in a podcast titled ‘The Current ‘.

“Going to be good for all families”: Sylvia García on approving the package of economic estimates

David Ditch, researcher and The Heritage Foundation, coincided with the Republican legislators in criticizing the legislation because it created the risk of social programs currently being temporary may eventually be stored permanently.

Ditch mentions that various presidents will introduce such as the tax credit for not only initially temporary, but later on will permanently characterize an intense political pressure.

“The Congress has an opportunity to intend this year and will take another opportunity next year,” Ditch told Univision News. In its juice, the increase in public funds for social programs “is a debate that we should not take in the context of covid”.

Ditch admits that although the White House and Democratic legislators have been speaking out about a specific initiative to give these policies a permanent character, they have commented on general terms in progressive circles in that direction.

The Conservatives insist that a public guest of this magnitude be counterproductive because the debt of the governing state is about $ 22 trillion (English trillions), but no express reserve will be made when President Donald Trump makes a suspenseful record.

Both parties suelen reproach the public guest by incurring the opposition party to impulse its priorities.

Although Republicans continue to respond to support for Biden, the president’s team manages to prioritize Democrats.

“Need to create a resonance chamber and amplify” the message, say to the agency AP Adrienne Elrod, a close Democrat strategist at Casa Blanca. “We believe that this government will approve during the years that many legislation has been approved, but without Republicans”.

