Vocero PLD in the Chamber of Deputies dice that “wall” will not avoid the illegal passage of Haitians

The Vice-President of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) in the Chamber of Deputies, Gustavo Sánchez, said that more than the hypothetical construction of “valleys” on the front, as announced by President Luis Abinader, the Haitians will follow in his footsteps. in Dominican territory.

Speaking about Abinader’s announcement of building a front wall, Gustavo Sánchez also said that the mandate intended to “confuse” the public with not using the “wall” phrase.

A la valla (verja), because it does not want to wall, uses a medium to confound. If you were to build a wall, then because you do not have a wall, because the walls have the discourses of historical ultra-nationalists, the ones who live nationalism and who do not use the wall and use a finite medium. A force and drones that are because of its form as it did not disappear a sense of nationality because it is not nationalism “, said in a burlesque tone Sanchez.

Also, expressing more than the construction of the wall, and debit to the general situation that lives the living country, the Haitians will cross the middle front or other roads.

“I believe that the ever-growing palm tree has hay pan, while Haiti is permanently in a state of decomposition, while there is a rampant power in Haiti, there can be all the walls of the world but they have tunnels to play here, come first and there are only two del ser humano es sobrevivir ”, aseveró el deputado del PLD.

More so, the legislator says that on the subject of evacuation against COVID-19 “should not be questioned by nationality” and that “all are human”, referring to the words of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfredo Pacheco, who commented on the possibility of inoculating Haitians a time ago ended the trial with the Dominicans.

“If a national foreigner does not believe that debating nationality or the question of giving life to the people in the window. If the mantle is exposed to the Dominicans in contagion, it means that the world has been evacuated less likely to have contagion, ”Sanchez said.
