Vocalista de Intocable presupposes PALANCAS to receive vacuna against COVID-19

The vocalist of Withdrawal, Ricardo Javier Muñoz, better known as Ricky Muñoz, despite controversy over the revelation that he had received the first dose of the vacuna against the COVID-19.

In his official account of Twitter, the integral of Withdrawal, make sure to vacuno against the coronavirus will open on December 18, 2020, and will receive its second dose on January 9, 2021.

“I have 3 days off like a dog against the COVID…. and I feel good ”, wrote on Twitter the music of the group Intocable, which received la vacuna Pfizer against the coronavirus.

Ricky Muñoz usa palancas para recibir vacuna

Tras reveals that it has received the Pfizer vaccine, various questions have been raised about the process, the effects of the vaccine, and more importantly, as well as the fact that it is not part of the health sector or the evacuation risk groups.

“As the manejan in USA, is free market only the governor decides on its distribution”, wrote a user, to which Ricky Muñoz disputed: “No, aún no. I have my palances ”.

The vocalist of Intocable insurur that the vaccine costs 20 dollars, which indignant to miles of users, women claim that haya “bought” the vaccine and more, that it presumes in social networks.

“¿No te da vergüenza? El sector salud es el que necesita más esa vacuna no tú”, “No puedo crreer que alguien se alegre se que un person con palancas accediera a la vacuna”, scribieron los internautas.

Ricky Muñoz neem aan conseguir vacuna covid-19 por debajo de la mesa

Use Ricky Muñoz’s Twitter Version for sobornos para obtener vacuna contra COVID-19

Without embarrassment, Ricky Muñoz appears unaffected by the critics, since then he has posted photos of cars such as his cars and published publications of fans who are angry that he was evacuated.

Vocalista de Intocable indignant by coronavirus pandemic actor

Ricky Muñoz, 45 years old, has been accused of being an internet critic

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What do you think of Ricky Muñoz’s balance sheet to be able to vacate against the COVID-19 before the health sector and risk groups? Share your opinion with La Verdad News in the comments.

New COVID-19 continuous extension extends worldwide. Síguenos and Google News and all the details.
