Vladimir Putin’s governor threatens to order the arrest of leader Alexei Navalny if he does not return to Russia

Russian leader Alexei Navalny (C) EFE / EPA / YURI KOCHETKOV / Archive
Russian leader Alexei Navalny (C) EFE / EPA / YURI KOCHETKOV / Archive

El Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF) has agreed to pay a fine to leader Alexei Navalny, convaleciente en Alemania de un envenenamiento in August passed with a arma chemica, if not immediately presented in his offices.

Following the official announcement published on its website, the SPF accuses Navalny of to meet with its obligation to sometere to inspect the condensed condensate of 3.5 years that was taxed in 2014 on a staff case and money laundering to the company “Yves Rocher Vostok”.

The SPF states that, following the British review Lancet, which last week published the opposition analyst medical analysis, Navalny fue until September 20th and October 12th, she was overwhelmed by “all the secrets” of the illness.

For this, I say that the condensed does not comply with the obligation imposed by the tribunal and “does not exercise control over the penitentiary inspection”.

Además, records that the legislation exemplifies a caste for dichos cases, between which figures the cancellation of the suspended money and its replacement by a real, es decir, tres años y medio de prision.

The SPF insists that it has been notified of the need for personnel in its offices on the 9th of March and has been referred to its lawyer, who has confirmed this, Vadim Kobsev, and Twitter.

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny during a demonstration in Moscow (EUROPE RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO EXPRESS / ZUMA PERS / CONTACTOPHOTO)
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny during a demonstration in Moscow (EUROPE RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO EXPRESS / ZUMA PERS / CONTACTOPHOTO)

At the earliest, the period of probation for the opposition five years ago, for the time being extended until 30 December 2020.

From Germany, Navalny commented on his Twitter account. The SPF, based on the Lancet article, demands that I encircle it. Pero, disculpen, the article treaty of which I met with Novichok. This means that at the official level the State recognizes the development. Where is the criminal case? ”, written.

Navalny, who arrived in Siberia last August with the toxic agent Novichok, asurur que thought to return to his country when he receives the good view of the German physicians.

The penitentiary service has been used on various occasions in the courts to convict Navalny of a real money, even if it European Court of Human Rights Considered in 2017 the sentences against the opponent and in herman Oleg, who had been imprisoned, made “arbitrarias”.

Exactly, debited to his criminal precedents, Navalny fue incapacitated and unable to run for president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in March 2018 elections, in that which is ultimately the real rule.

Navalny has recently lashed out at the Kremlin in recent weeks in public. videos in which the Federal Security Service (FSB, formerly KGB) accuses of being behind its intentions.

The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny explained how the intention of the assessor was orchestrated

The second video includes a Telephone conversation with a chemistry supuesto of the FSB, Konstantín Kudriavtsev, who announced that the chemical army Novichok fue rociada en el calzoncillo del opositor in a hotel of the Siberian city of Tomsk.

The President spoke at a press conference that United States is behind investigation investigation y, for the first time, justifies the allegation that the opponent was being vigilanted by the FSB by contrast with the support of the intelligence services.

Poetin denied that he had tried to open a criminal case, although the Instruction Committee has been suspended since this week, a criminal case against hogar involving Navalny’s collaborators, Liubov Sobol, and Kudriavtsev’s home meeting in Moscow.



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