Visible adds a bunch of sweet new features

Visible continues to expand the number of features and benefits included when choosing their service for your wireless needs. With their Verizon connection, I can not imagine that they will slow down at any time, which means it will be harder and harder for many of us. not to consider switching to them.

In a shower update announced today, Visible tells us that 5G is it really here the call to Canada, Mexico, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico has been added, that eSIM support is active on certain phones, and with Party Pay you can add more users than ever before.

For 5G, they actually launched it in January for certain Android devices (at no extra cost), but they expanded by selling the Galaxy S21 with 5G. It also seems that Visible allows you to bring your own 5G phone, you only need to go through their IMEI controller to make sure it works.

Visible’s eSIM support is currently limited to a bunch of iPhone models with plans for Android devices coming soon. For those unfamiliar, an eSIM is a built-in SIM card that you can program on a network without ever having to swap a SIM card on your phone or go to a service provider. It’s a brilliant technology that has started to be used by more companies over the last few years, thanks to manufacturers that include eSIM in phones.

And finally, Visible has expanded their Party Pay feature to an ‘unlimited number of people’. Party Pay was previously limited to 4 people and can bring your monthly payment to $ 25 per line for visible service. Since Visible now caters for unlimited time, you can look for better friends who need very affordable service that works on Verizon’s network.

Do you have no more than a few friends? This is OK! Party Pay lowers Visible’s monthly price to $ 35 / line with 2 people at a party or $ 30 / line with 3 people.

Ready to try visibly? Sign in here.
