Virgo Horoscope – Viernes April 9, 2021 | Virgo Horoscopes

This day will be inspiring, because Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius wants to make a better world for all. For that is always the case to be as a union leader, union delegate or volunteer.

También tendrás habilidades en el Trabajo en red o multinivel y puedes inspire a los que te rodean a hacer cosas grande grand and mejores, seria un buen motivador.

The step of Saturn in the sign of Aquaro generates energy for it to be dispersed and requires a solid structure in your life, but it will be only conventional that it stays.

Need a place to share your ideas, including when your little ones are new. Tu gran reto es crecer siendo abierto y justo con todos.

Your energy for love will not flow much the day before, because you are going to Pluto passing through the house 5 the house of the placers and also present a cadre to Sol, generating a high degree of nervous and emotional tension, because you will not find the express manner. For now, love is not your priority.

Saturn’s transit in conjunction with Urano creates a tremendous amount of internal tension, as it can provoke unequal changes in health, because so much work is not enough time to take care of your diet and so you have serious problems. It is time to value and differentiate your priorities.


The transit of Pluto by the sign of Capricorn has a great deal of rebellion, so that your challenge will be learned to deal effectively with authority, status and power. You need financial security and self-sufficiency to have a solid base to succeed.

The day of today shows a lot of energy confusing in theme of couples, because teenagers in the Moon and Neptune in your house 7 the house of the couple and in conjunction with March, you will be very confused with things to lose and kill castles in the air.

Series good moment of heroorweging if this relationship is working or only you are getting to something that can not be salvaged.

For the sake of Libra for your case 2 the case of the material resources and its planet Venus in sextile with Marte, tend to have a lot of good energy to generate money because it has energy and productive, but also presents a team with Pluto that has very insecure at the moment of taking decisions and for that much kwesbaar, as well as, tómalo in account for that he is not abused and is being without money.

Love: Cancer, Escorpio, Piscis

Amistad: Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn

Laboral: Ram, Leo, Sagitario

Necesitan learns not to absorb the energy of the demas at the moment of sharing their problems, which can be disturbed by the emotions that are causing them to suffer.

It has an extraordinary ability to perform things that are not easy, which makes it very talented artist if you choose this line of work. It’s the energy that comes from Luna’s step in the sign of Piscis.

