Virgo Horoscope – Viernes April 16, 2021 | Virgo Horoscopes

Hoy viernes April 16, Tienes El Sol en Aries, el cual te da sus mejores qualités, brillo, autoestima y una personalidad fuerte y poderosa, que te hace resaltar en donde te pares.

With this strength and strength, you will be able to manage the situations at your own pace.

Love’s house is full of Leo’s energy, it’s a lot of strong sexuality, much favoring your relationship and being new,

The health box is home to Virgo’s energy, which is rich in bile vesicles, and is affected by the high consumption of grasses, grass salsas and fried foods. Moderate consumption with more small portions.


This house has the energy of Mercury, which has the capacity to work as a team, which can be a good collaborator. If you have a good influence on this planet for the day.

The house of the permanent couple is both the energy of Escorpio, the cual te otorga much sensuality, the cual is very favored for your couple relationship.

The case of this is the energy of Gemini, which with its intelligence helps to make very good decisions regarding the management of the money and its form of hospitality.

Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.

Amistad: Piscis, Libra and Leo

Laboral: Tauro, Acuario y Cáncer.

A good recommendation to take care of your vesicle is the practice of ayunar, which will allow you to descend your vesicle; a special diet based on herbs, medicines for pain and antibiotics for infection.

