Virgo Horoscope – Jueves March 11, 2021 | Virgo Horoscopes

This day will be impartial because your perception is very undeveloped, so it seems that your impressions are more than the sentiments, the objectivity is what you are now. It’s the energy that comes from the Moon in transit at the sign of Piscis.

You are so mystical and spiritual, with the sensation of wanting to help everyone, but you are always aware of the problems of the very serious and humble abrasions, which can lead to indoctrination and tenacious practices. Is the energy of the Sun passing by the sign of Piscis.

The transit of Venus by the sign of Pisces generates conditions to be with an exaggerated sensibility, aspect that can provoke a realistic action in love matters, and can be a part of a love that is not achievable.


Suggest that your diet, then you are not paying attention in this aspect, you are selective with what you come, with what your theme is great. Its conditions that generate Mercury in house 6, the house of health.

You are very focused on your work and projects, you are very demanding as much as you do with the days.

Do not support a sugary suggestion, the aspect of Marte in trigon with Saturn gives a super energy and many desires to make things great.

I’ve not working on the theme of being more flexible with the guy who’s rodea and bajarle 2 rayitas a tu ego, so he generates a free and reprimanded personality. Its main ingredients to make your relationships fracasen. It is the energy of the Sun in quadrature with the ascendant.


It’s time for love and forgiveness

Although you are a very hard worker, the energy to generate fortune is not favorable in these moments, and there is no planetary energy in this aspect, and if you want to do it Urano in case 8, the case of legacies, generate tension with some society for dinner themes, no company is suggested for now.

Love: Cancer, Escorpio, Piscis

Amistad: Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn

Laboral: Ram, Leo, Sagitario

The energy of Mercury in the sign of Aquarius to generate an abiding and happy act, to preoccupy a community not to be socially accepted, then your personality is sincere and objective to be happy and secure.

