Viral Video | Pequeño luchador de la India surprende al vencer en pulseadas al fisicoculturista más fuerte del mundo | YouTube | virales | Rahul Panicker | Larry Wheels | nnda nnrt | VIRAL

Rahul Panicker, an Indian reader and current pulsed champion in India, consecrated a dramatic victory in front of stadium owner Larry Wheels, known in the world of physicoculturism as the world’s most powerful and possessor of varying records of weight gain. Given the common denominator of taming between employees and, apparently, physical strength, this “giant” successor has a 70 kilo weight monkey that has the ‘impossible life’ and everything registered in a sensational viral video that arresa in social redeso como Youtube.

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The enrollment takes place in Cape Town in Dubai, según informa el portaal RT. Panicker, a celebrity in the pulsating sport in his country, accepts the right to retire to Larry Wheels. The difference between tamaño and fuerza was even more obvious, for it is hoping for a rapid victory of the North American. But, surprisingly, everything goes wrong.

In a round of 5 rounds, Wheels were the first to hit without any problems. The triunfo was practically consumed. Without embarrassment, Rahul Panicker is overwhelmed and demonstrates that he has a significant problem, which is what he pulsates at, it is a force to be reckoned with to destroy the time of the monk.

Panicker, before the todos todos, se hizo con el tercer asalto. Saying boquiabierto to the spectators. With the wind following in favor of Wheels, there was a triumph in the quarter around the daba la victoria. But there is no step. The ‌India champion is looking for the ultimate heats, beating a contender and just winning.

In the viral video de Youtube can appreciate the reunion that pulseada pesar de la gran diferencia de tamaño entre los competitors. Larry Wheels, very knowledgeable in the world of physicism, believes that Panicker has been a software engineer for 31 years and has won six national medals in the last decade.
