Viral Video | ‘Niño del Oxxo’ is internationalized and now is the new roster of Burger King in Costa Rica | Facebook | Twitter | Mexico | nnda nnrt | MEXICO

¿Te acuerdas del ‘nixo del Oxxo‘, apodo con el que se hizo famoso en Latin America the protagonist of a viral video off Mexico which alborotó las social networks haas unas semanas? As a result, much more charismatic logistics and internationalization are now the new roster of Burger King to promote your hamburgues off Costa Rica.

Fue la propia cadena de establecimientos de comida rapida estadounidense que se encargó de diffundir la notice de la contratación del ‘nixo del Oxxo‘, cuyo verdadero nombre es Elías Navarro. Go through these photos off Twitter luciendo the uniform of the company, the minor posing mordiendo una hamburguesa and making its characteristic “Hmm”.

And so it’s not all there is to it, replicating the success of it viral video del ‘nixo del Oxxo‘, Burger King create an exchange of similar phrases between the young and a comensal. “Good luck, me from a Whopper with big dads”, if the eye decides on a client, what the picker is contesting: “Agrandado … ¡Hmmm!”, emulating its typical gesture.

Typical that you are at Oxxo to buy preservatives and that you work here know that for “the delicious” The vivo ‘borraron:’ Niño del Oxxo ‘is the victim of viral brome viral in social speeches [VIDEO]Let’s face it! For the video, a viral part of ‘niño del Oxxo’ is available

Original viral video for ‘niño del Oxxo’

Navarro converts to a celebrity on social media thanks to his friends Daniel Morales, who was responsible for grabbing various versions of the ‘viral video’nixo del Oxxo‘that shared in TikTok from the finals of last year until March 2021, its popularity grew as the spuma between the internet and protagonists memes of all types.

Fue tal su acogida que varios youtubers be abocaron to the rate of encounter to saber if actually work in a Oxxo, a tenth of a tenth of a mexican convention, and it’s its history. Curiously, it is only hizo that will spare the interest of other brands in contrast with its services to promote its products.

There is also the advertising agency of Burger King contact the double generator of content and, through a negotiation, enter into an agreement for a promotional campaign. If everything is coordinated from Costa Rica, the videos were filmed in a sugar box of the hamburger chain set up in the city of Tijuana, information El Diario NY.



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