Videos ponen en duda accusación de Samadhi Zendejas

Have a week ago the reporter Carlos Jiménez informed in his social speeches that Samadhi Zendejas fue victim of acoso in the calls of the colony Polanco in the Alcaldia Miguel Hidalgo in the City of Mexico.

For this reason the actress was sentenced to 3 men, a concierge, a bolero and a haberle franelero hecho obscenes comments on the calf, which the hizo feel accustomed and uncomfortable.

According to this report, the reporter informed the men identified as Rubén ‘N’ of 44 years, Felipe ‘N’ of 45 years and Héctor ‘N’ of 49 years, were detained by police elements, but were unable to accusations of Samadhi; and includes comments that will only be found.

Aunado a ello, este caso tomó un giro inesperado, liege de que Jiménez presentara en su cuente official of Twitter videos which doubts the accusation of Zendejas.

“While the actress makes sure she receives obscene comments, here she is with her dog per Luego regres igual a casa”.

Samadhi Zendejas denuncia acoso

Hasta el momento Samadhi no ha hablado al respecto.

Samadhi Zendejas denuncia acoso
