Video: Uriel Antuna’s goal in Mexico vs Costa Rica

La Mexección Mexicana Sub 23 dirigida por Jaime Lozano se enfrentó este domingo en is similar to Costa Rica in the match of the pre-Olympic 2 of the Concacaf in the canal of the Akron Stadium, with the aim of selling his pass to the semi-finals of the tournament.

The Selección tica salíó con todo par to avoid the derrota ante the Mexicana Selection can safely represent its elimination in the tournament, ya que perdieron en su debut ante Estados Unidos.

Also featured: Mexico vs Costa Rica: Pre-Olympic Games of the Concacaf 2

For its part, Mexico has won the Dominican Republic 4-1 in its debut in the canal of the Jalisco Stadium, as a new victory secures the semi-final classification for ‘Jimmy’ Lozano in Group A.

Without embargo Mexico hizo valer his favorite condition and was pushed by delante in the marker at minute 6 with goal of Uriel Antuna who approved a great pass from Sebastián Córdova to put Jaime Lozano’s team on the market.

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