VIDEO: Traffickers launch at another 2 years ago on the front wall between Mexico and the United States

The minor was launched at an altitude of 18 pies. The Frontier Patrol informs us that the result is hereditary and that it was accompanied by its father, originally from Ghana.

The Security Camera of the Office of the Aduanas and Protección Fronteriza (CBP) captures a traffic body of the person all the time around lanzaba and a niño de dos años desde el muro fronterizo between Mexico and Estados Unidos, and the sector of San Diego , California.

The images he caused to be sold for sale at a time when the life of the minor was pushed to a height of 18 pies. Agent jefe of the Patrol Fronteriza, Aaron M. Heitke, posted the video on his Twitter account where he signaled that the result was minor.

The hecho registers the domingo at night. Heitke indicates that the father was released on bail from his California father-in-law with a group of people who were forced to enter the United States by illegal means.

“This event can be catastrophic. Fortunately, there is no result ”, said the police source.

According to the investigations, both the father and son are Ghanaian citizens without legal status within the United States.

Lee also: The White House is pronounced on the case of arrogant nuns from the front wall of Mexico

On March 31st, the Office of the Aduanas and Fronteriza Protection, dio to announce another video, captured by his security cameras, in which nine nines of 3 and 5 years, without being launched by “coyotes” from all over the barrier in the New Mexico sector.

In the video you can see a person who is in the wall and tries to get to the mines up to the hill; without embargo, debit to the altar, term soltándolas in the last tram. Ambas niñas, de origen ecuatoriano, caen al suelo con un fuerte impacto, pero se observa logran levantarse y pedir ayuda a los adulto que las han abandonado en mido del desierto.

Frontline agents immediately respond to the lie. The minors were taken to an albergue in the hope of meeting their fathers in New York, informing diplomatic diplomats.

Sigue leyendo: VIDEO: Traffickers launch at the nines of a front wall between Mexico and the United States

This case has international repercussions. The White House is “alarmed” by this case and said that the undocumented should avoid being beaten by the coyotes who “abused” them.

“Some of us who saw the video were incredibly alarmed by what the passengers were doing,” said Jen Psaki, Casa Blanca’s spokesman.

And reiteró: “We would like to send a clear message to the region that this is not the time to come, do not need to send them to their journey through traffic, with traffickers abusing the vulnerabilities of these communities”.
