[VIDEO] Solari elogia ‘Chucho’ Lopez – Guatefutbol.com

MEXICO. The Argentinian technician Santiago Hernán Solari made two speeches of praise for the Guatemalan Antonio de Jesús López, who consumed his second consecutive title match with America in the 1-1 draw ahead of Santos.

López has more confidence in the tutelage of Real Madrid’s ex-technician, hecho, has started playing as he wanted to do in order to have an interior with more participation in the Eagles, in relation to the game in which he played in the previous technician Miguel Herrera.

Guatemalteco selection jugó todo el partido en la visita del elenco azul crema a los laguneros, found out that the South American surgeon’s proposal would threaten and disrupt its participation.

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“Hablaba sober jugadores that it is haciendo that no eran habituales titulares, and that there is affronting this requirement of the shirt with a lot of solvency and with a lot of personality”, arranged dancendo Solari.

“Chucho (López) who has been very good at these games”, explained Solari.

“We will only know the result of what happened inhablamos del desarrollo de algunos jugadores o de la solvencia que muestran algunos jugadores”, Agregó.

López, 23 years old, added 39 games to America’s first team since his debut as a professional on July 22, 2018 before the Necaxa. Guatemala’s National Selection will include three parties in Mexico, Nicaragua and Honduras during 2020.

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PHOTO: Guatefutbol.com

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