VIDEO: Sicarios matan a balazos hermanos; el chico quiso verdediger a la jovencita

VIDEO: Sicarios matan a balazos hermanos;  el chico quiso verdediger a la jovencita

VIDEO: Sicarios matan a balazos hermanos; el chico quiso verdediger a la jovencita

Photo: Capture video El pregonar / Cortesía

Security rooms capture the moment in which the two sicarios of narcotics Assignment to a German, a man and a woman, in the city of Cucuta, en Colombia.

The victims identified as Yaneth Clarisa y Gabriel Ernesto Castrillón Guevara is found together with the criminals of the suspects.

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In the video that is appreciated at the moment when a taxi driver is near the front of the local where the victims are, and lie to say algo, saca el cellular, take one photography and the envoy, after writing a message, being on the vehicle and going.

Man’s house on board motorcycle llegan para dispararle a los hermanos, quienes fueron fueron llevados immediately to a hospital, donde minutos, falecieron.

In the opaque, the first subject to the occasional use of the Yaneth Clarisa and whoever wants to do so will find her husband, looking for help.

Gabriel Ernesto, who has been dealing with her husband and with the person working in the area, going to the gun, having a moving object, carrying a gun and saying that Yaneth se lanza hacia él, la acciona. The sicario al ver that the other man who stabbed within the establishment of the device, is directed to it and proposes to my three impacts.

After committing the crime, the homicide will take place if it is a maletin that lifts and treats the motorcycle, is resbaló, per logró reincorporate and junto con su accomplice escapo.

With the help of the videos of the security cameras del lugar las autoridades buscan la piste de los sicarios und de persona que momentes antes les tomo photography to determine if you have a relationship with the crime.

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