Video shows the moment of the attack against FMLN militants | El Salvador News

Raúl Melara, fiscal general of the republic, showed a video and photographs of the attack on the militants of the FMLN of the past home

The General Fiscalia of the Republic (FGR) presented the late indictment against three people, including, the security officer of the Ministry of Health, for attacking a vehicle with FMLN militants killing people.

Raúl Melara, Fiscal General, at a press conference presented a series of evidence against the accused Roberto Carlos Coto de Paz, Diego Francisco Alavarado Peña and Héctor de Jesús Castaneda, the topics were recently accused in the judgment of Décimo de Paz by the aggravated homicide offenses and attempted homicide.

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The fiscal also signaled that a weapon was used by the arms used in the attack, a shotgun and a pistol.

Melara presented a video and the sequence of photographs taken by the accused as he disputed the visa and llega to a point where he drove the azul car, lying down on the subjects and leaving his arms to disappear against the vehicle passing through the members of the FMLN .

Regarding detainee detainees who are traveling in the vehicle carrying the FMLN militants and who are detainees, it is alleged that they will be released because there is no evidence against them.

The General Fiscalia of the Republic showcases the video vigilance images that show the moment when the FMLN militant attacks took place on January 31st
