VIDEO: Llega a El Salvador premieres AstraZeneca holiday lot against India’s Covid-19 | El Salvador News

Since then, it has been embarking on a medical staffing evacuation plan that works primarily in combating the pandemic, Minister Francisco Alabí said in detailing major leaflets on logistics and applications for more than 50,000 workers in the sector.

El Salvador is receiving this first batch of vacancies against the Covid-19 of the AstraZeneca pharmaceuticals province of India. During the morning the cargo arrival at the Airport Oscar Arnulfo Romero gives a governing committee a collection of its products.

These trucks have various trucks equipped with a refrigeration system to maintain the free pharmacy route near the air terminal runway to receive the cargo of 20,000 vehicles flown to the Biological Center of the Biology.

“We would like to thank the Instituto Serum that we were able to burn this vaccine, the governor of India, his prime minister and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca”, said the Minister Francisco Alabí. The other official added that the purchase of this lot of vacancies was “mediated acquisition of the governor”.

PHOTO GALLERY: Images of the first vacancies against COVID-19 in El Salvador

Since then it has been delayed with a medical staff evacuation plan that works primarily in the fight against the pandemic that, according to official data, has hit 58,023 salvaged soldiers at the national level by 17 February. .

“This day is historic for the country,” Alabí said, detailing the logistics and application of vacancies for health personnel, which is more than 50,000 workers in the public and private sectors.

It is hoped that in the middle of the day, the authorities of the Ministry of Health will hold a press conference for more details.

El Salvador is one of the few Latin American countries living in the country against the coronavirus, including Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

Hasta las 11 y media de merercoles 17 februari, las autoridades ne han informad cuantas vacunas han sido compradas. Photo EDH / Lissette Monterrosa

On Tuesday, President Bukele explained that this cargo does not have the vacancies received by the COVAX World Health Organization (OMS) program, which states that “these will be available in the first week of March”.

VER: El Salvador among the first countries to receive the vaccine against COVID-19 by COVAX mechanism, what does it mean?

Bukele announced on November 24, 2020 that the Govierno salvadoran and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will agree to a summoner of 2 million doses of the vaccine against Covid-19.

The Governor of El Salvador is pushing for the “reimbursement” to alleviate the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ministry of Health as an objective to evacuate 4.5 million Salvadorans.

This figure represents approximately 72% of the Salvadoran population, in agreement with the latest survey of Multiple Proposals Surveyers, which estimates that El Salvador is home to 6.7 million people.

The governing body informed Twitter users that the vacancies have been sold, without giving details of the cost. Photo / Capres

Podrías leer: Govierno ya coloca rotulos de vacunación para COVID-19

Given the dates the governor has ruled over Covid-19’s cases in the country, numbers of Indian alcaldias at least 1,879 viruses have fallen, while 3,727 murders with covid-19 suspects and there are 1,308 diagnostic injuries of atypical numbers in 257 municipalities out of 262 that comply with the country’s initials for November 2020.
