Video: Hirving “Chucky” Lozano’s goal in Napoli vs Hellas Verona

The Mexican delantero of Naples, Hirving “Chucky” Lozano sigu showrando su gran nivel en la Serie A, demostrandole a Gennaro Gattuso as only necessary trust, the ex Pachuca Club entone one of the fastest goals in the history of Serie A.

In only 15 seconds of play, El Chucky Lozano approve the temperature opportunity to take the balloon inside the area of ​​the Greece Verona y así anotar su noveno gol en la temporada.

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In a long way and through an error of the Verano saga, Hirving Lozano pushes ahead in the Napoli marker, demonstrating that he is on fire in Serie A, it is easy to be questioned in Italy about his quality and the price he pays napolitanos por él.

Hirving Lozano participated in 25 encuentro (between Serie A, Copa de Italia, Europa League and Supercopa de Italia) and donde scored 10 goals and gave 8 assists giving a note every 166 minutes.

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