VIDEO: Camera of a Tesla captures a full-frame robo

The victims of the robbery aseguran have been guided by the ladders from a place where a photo session is held. A total of 7,000 dollars was estimated.

A control room installed in the bathroom of a Tesla car caught this girl a full-color robe in San Francisco (California, EE.UU.). The grab was shared on Twitter by Alex uslam.

The clip shows the variety carriages in an atasco which is probably moving, when a black car is found behind a Toyota Prius. An immediate sale and a hombre de la parte de atrás del auto negro, rompe la ventana trasera del Prius y extrae una bolsa negra. Fast the train takes a new ride on its vehicle and huye junto con su compinche del lugar de los hechos since the victims can do nothing.

Muere baleado un joven que simulper perpetrar ein 'robo de broma' para su canal en YouTube

The intern who has publicity hurts, can contact the affected people, a man named Ben and his wife, both real estate photographers. Las víctimas aseguran haber sido perseguidas for the attractions of a place where a photo session is held.

Lastly, launch a fundraising campaign in GoFundMe to retrieve photos that women will lose on photographic team, including a camera, his objective, a drone and other accessories. Total, the lost it is estimated in $ 7,000. Hasta ahora, han reunido más de 3.000 de dolares de ayuda.

At the moment, it is not specified if the policy is to cover a search or log. locate the suspects, precise Fox News.
