VIDEO: Asian series travels to the edge of the ultraveloz train Futurista Hyperloop by Virgin

A conceptual clip will test the company’s empire by recording a more ecological, fluid, safe, comfortable and enjoyable public transport experience.

Virgin Hyperloop’s business partner will share his vision of what will happen to the experience of the ultraveloz transport system that is currently developing. In a conceptual video shared this week on his YouTube channel, the company offers the viewer a complete record, step by step, of what is expected to be the link of a Hyperloop to the station, the gap in the capsule and the complete journey to at the destination.

For the animation of the animated clip, Virgin Hyperloop accounts for the collaboration of designers, urban planners and architects, among other specialists. The search result represents the logarithm of a log more eco-friendly public transport experience, fluid, safe, comfortable and enjoyable.

The company imagines that there will be the interior of its capsules, which with capacity for 28 passengers will have one futuristic and elegant design, and its assistants in executable class style including stations unloaded cargo for mobile devices. As it is to be hoped for, we will meet with pants that provide information about the race, as well as the time of the race, the remaining time and speed.

The ambitious plan plans to propel passengers to “speeds up to 1,000 kilometers per hour”. “It’s three times faster than a high speed train and 10 times faster than a traditional train,” Virgin Hyperloop told its portal. The capsules are displaced through the interior of a vacuum tube, suspended in the median airborne magnetic field.

Agreed with the Mashable portal, it is not hoped that the Hyperloop system will be complete by 2030. At the moment, the company continues to test. Last September, Virgin Hyperloop lifted its first flight with passengers, marking an important step in the future transport future, according to the company. The life of the experimenter on his CTO and cofounder, Josh Giegel, and his Director of Passenger Experience, Sara Luchian, on board a capsule adapted for people.

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