VIDEO: Alfa Karina mountaineer mountaineer shows the good and bad of Nepal rumbo al Everest

The Alfa Karina mountain mountaineer Arrué our master coma is Nepal, live with care and enjoy the journey en route to Everest

Follow us on the adventure of Alfa Karina Arrué on your way to escalate the Monte everest y ser la primera salvadoreña en la historia en conseguir semejante hito.

The salvadoran mountain, while completing the respective quarantine in the territory of Nepal, party to escalate the “tech of the world”. On the truck to the first camp Arrué showed us a little bit of Kathmandu, the capital.

Quizas a point against dicho sitio, as well as explains the athlete cuscatleca, there are not many semaphores for ordering traffic; asi hay que manejarse con mucho cuidado en la asiatika y gelida ciudad.

Photo: Illustrative and non-commercial character image –

For a moment his clip recorded at the center of San salvador for the movement and intensity of motorists and motorcyclists. All very aggressive, albeit in Kathmandu hayan menos semáforos.

Pero Nepal also has its good things, as well as landscapes, with postals that catch the eye.

Alfa Karina Arrué our must have a beautiful panorama while cruising a peatonal bridge. The images remain of the ally to each, and there are vigorous and limp eyes in a river and a well-protected and impeccable serenity.

Sigue en CANCHA the steps of the mountaineer salvadoreña in his odyssey to climb the Monte everest, algo que sabemos est disfrutando muchísimo.
