VIDEO | A 10 years of the program by Don Rober with Faitelson

Mexico City /

This year is a complete diez of one of the “extra crossover” that was recorded on Mexican television, with the encounter between Don Roberto Hernández Jr. (qepd), y David Faitelson, and that program Futbol Al Día de Multimedios en la Ciudad de Monterrey, Effective December 10, 2011.


Don Rober, the most renowned periodical and chronicler of the Sultana of the North, invitation to a program polemic David Faitelson, what time is it is working on ESPN, deportiva cadena en la cual sigue laborando an la actualetad.

Also in this issue of Futbol al Día, this is the periodical Odín Ciani, who has been in ESPN yet?

The reason for the program, was mainly charlar acerca de la passion tan particular que se vive en Monterrey por el futbol y particularemente por los Tigres, equipo de los amores de Don Rober.

If you have characters that are in the media at the moment eran diametrically distinct, was very llamativo ver to Faitelson sent along with Don Rober in the panel and playing field of regional football.

How to roll the dice: “record it live and here we will release a snippet of that program”.

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