VIDA VERDE – A shelter for dogs and cats: the san of Ana Yira and animal defenders in San Cristóbal

Ana Yira Ramírez Velásquez guards a very special angle with the animals, but it is unimaginable that he will have been fighting for 15 years, when he was able to defend himself with a horse.

Fue en elo 1985 frente a su lugar de trabajo in Madre Vieja Sur, San Cristóbal. A carrier requires a rider to carry a truck with a load of blocks. Lo golpeaba para que avanzara.

“The horse has no podium and is a golf club. When the horse has no more cayo rodillas in the talvia ya me dolió eso mucho. As I said to him in the heart. Office space, because you work receiving receipts, selling herring pieces; salí de la oficina como ciega, le quité el suéter y lo golpeé en el cuello, en la cara, en todos lados. When the carriage turns and sees that it is your intention to increase, but the many who make the turns in the plate the agrarian, the quitaron the stripes to the horse and the carriage to the lower, without the horse. Se rompieron como 20 of 30 blocks. Tuve que pagar los blocks y la fianza también. Todavía él me ve y me saluda ”.

If this is not the case then maybe your budget needs to be improved. Yira preserves photos of the very chiquita rodeo of palomas, paths, horses, horses and other animals on the patio of the house.

“My dad wanted me to feed him at the animal shelter, Perros. In my house I have no children, I keep them in a letter, afuera ”.

His devotion to animals is well known throughout the community.

Protect an unos 70 perros. Solo in the small patio of his house, in the Puerto Rico sector of the city of San Cristóbal, food and food in one of 40 streets and streets. The same dogs have ten in other sites, “guarded”.

“On the other hand, there are no more cabins than the ones that come from all the slides, vacancies and sterilization sites, because sterilization is very important,” said Ana Lucía.
The young man and his two men inherited from his mother the cell for the protection of animals. They also take care of bathing, feeding and taking care of the dogs.

Ana Lucía compares with Listín Diario how the small and small animals are ‘absorbed’ in their lives.

In 2015, the Patronate was legally created for the conservation and care of animals (Diakimyi Foundation) because they say that the governing body should only be organized in a formal way, in order to help others.
“Many vecinos are covered by rubble, we know they are in the right place, but we will not want to do this work”.


It is difficult to get all the animals in a small space and by separating them from the animals, with the hope of being able to have some albergue or a more suitable place.
“With these we are soothing –com Yira-. I quiz it is a utopia, as I say a lot of people, because if I did not care for the little ones I would like to help the dogs. Yo les digo ‘bueno, los niños les toca a su papá ya su mamma, a Conani y al gobierno dominicano’ ”.

Given that a large number of people with sensitivities are available to work for animals. Su suño, sigue con la voz quebrada, es este:

“We have a small field, which does not have a lot of space, but it is ours to have some algae where we choose the pen to take care of the animals, a public hospital to take care of the animals, so that the people of emergency rooms can live there. perros. Because I have people who say to me: Yira, I want to save my dog ​​but with what, with which I see the boutique with 400 pesos and I have the flu and the drug for fever, but a veterinarian can help me with a mile and a half of my weight to heal me, so I can only drink because I want to die.

“Entonces, when a person makes me happy, what can I do? See if there is a public hospital for the dogs. Although it is a utopia, you are clear, you believe that animals are merciful to you; for me the animals have this value. I have nothing to say before I die. I’m my only sueño, and the Gobierno helps me with the vets, because I’ve had women help me with the medicines ”.


The construction of a shelter center is also the hall of many animal protectors in San Cristóbal, between them the social worker, expedited and president of the Movement for Women Workers (MMT), Luz Eneida Mejía; the veterinarian Miguel Martínez and Gianna Santiago, from the ladies’ club of Madre Vieja Sur.

“There is a need for a space where the powdered animals are and that the gentile powder adopts. A place where curlers, caregivers and adopters can be hired. A shelter that involves professionals, voluntary people – there is a lot of people who are passionate about animals – and the authorities are handling cargo. An appropriate place where the animal is and there are people like it, ”Luz Eneida said.

The social work community counselor prefers to have a shared hospital bed because the association associates the hospital with a hospital for patients.
“If there is more than one animal shelter, then the leprosy can not be cared for, or it can search and find one; a gardening species ”.

Y que tengan accesses a castrarlos.

At the moment, the foundation as the activists for the animals only receive promises from the authorities. Ensure that meetings are convened where promising solutions that are not readable, as well as operations to cast lots that are not realized.

“We have a lot of relationships, like a dice, because of a sale here, let alone the animals for four or five hours and finally no one else. Seun promesas. We say ‘reunite the invoices, look for a lawyer who is happy and have a look, look for the lawyer, organize the lawyer, legalize the foundation, take the RNC and do everything soon, because in the end no one will help us’, he queja Ana Lucía.


If there is any veterinarian who helps animals, he must pay for his medical attention. In order to aggravate the animals that live with the game and the coral reefs in many communities, Yira signals that a veterinarian is needed to feed the animals to the agrarian.

“It’s like darlings to come up with a sedative for us to be able to recreate and enjaularos and later castrarlos; darles algo para se tranquilicen porque el animal es aggrivo por la cantidad de pheronos que produce el cuerpo cuando stán sin castrar, tanto hembras como machos ”.

Ana Lucía added that as a foundation he has many ideas that he used in other lands “but we do not have resources to materialize their ideas”.

“In the Dominican Republic there are no recourse or where to dwell the fields, enthons yo creo that a factual solution and including much more economic series create sterilization campaigns for the animals that are in the calls, because in the barriers there are no people , que están ahí y ya, hasta les echan comida, entonces que se queden en las calles los que sean fuertes, los que sean grandes, que se esterilicen para ya no se reproducan y que no sig aumentando la poblción ”.

If any institution deseariates a jornada of sterilization in the community, Ana Lucía says that you can consult the local, water for the volunteers and work to work to build the fields.

“A difficult series, but we know where animals stand. Hemos recibido denuncias. If there are nightmares there are less, our tenures will have experience and no tenets. Hasta nos dejamos morder para agarrarlos. Mi hermano dice: ‘En lo él me muerde tú lo agarras’ ”.


At the moment the public policies on animal protection are not working, Ana Lucía says that the Government does not know that it is important.

“They did not analyze the importance of the education that animals have. I do not know that a child who has been harmed by an animal in a future can be a delinquent. His studies that he hecho, but here are not the important ones. The nines do not teach about love for animals, or about love in the midst of the atmosphere ”.

His mother thinks that life has always been the same and that the malt is what increases it.

“When I get my conscience, I get more malicious. Antes la gente le tenía temor a Dios. Antes se comentaba de abuelo a nieto, de padre a hija, que el que le daba una patada a un perro el Señor lo castiga; if you have trouble with a dog, if you like it, you will die; as coma lo matas asi tú mueres ”.

The animal defenders of the country think that the situation is better than the approval of the Ley 248-12 On Animal Protection in Tenencia Verantwoordelik.

“Honestamente creo that although there is no change like an hopeful, the people are content. And the hecho that the number of horses in the shark calf increased means that the people have the right to kill the animals. The child is thinking, including inclusive of the cases that he has housed persons who are lograd meters to the cell and cover the work with social work, the child has time ”, opina Yira.

“For now I’m taking notice, before and after taking notice,” said Ana Lucía.


The overpopulation of railroad tracks in the eastern part of the province of San Cristóbal, to the large extent of the Sanchez network, does not alone represent a public health problem, it is economic.

In the last months, farmers and producers have announced the food and beverage industry.

The daughter of Rita Montás Domínguez, and Najayo Arriba, the dogs of the mataron have 22 real pavos, 23 geese and 7 oveis preñadas.

In his life, according to Listín Diario, the mataron had 9 prey and the other mataron all the pathos and the comeron had four goats.
The horses come like the horses and only feed the animals, say Rita.

The attack on animals is presented in large media in one of 8 kilometers in the communities of Nayajo Arriba, Santa Lucía de Camba, El 7, Doña Ana, La javilla, La sierra and Los tamarindos.
The problem is related to the Covid-19 pandemic. This single carriage tram will be one of the most used for the abandonment of roads and streets. The animals are occulted during the day and the halls are kept at night.

The communes temen that the comers run to attack the persons.

For help. If you want to cooperate with the Diakimyi foundation, bushes in social networks o llámelos a los números (809) 528-3989 y (829) 343-9472. Also received donations in the account 1880 342 0018 of the BHD bank in the name of Ana Yira Ramírez.
