Vida rescata un empate ante Honduras Progreso y continúa sin ganar en el Clausura – Diez

End the game with a 1-1 draw between Vida and Honduras Progress.

Minute 89: Gooooooolllll del Vida en el suspiro del juego. Goal scored by Óscar Gonzalez

Minute 88: Double change in Honduras Progress. Salen Matias Rotondi and Cristian Sacaza will host Franklin Morales and Samuel Lucas.

Minute 82: Amarilla for Roger Sander, lie of a forgery against Roberto Diaz.

La fallóooooooooooooooooo Oliver Morazán did not approve a refilled balloon and with the sole porting on the salute of José Mendoza, the rematch was made by the brand.

Minute 76: Cambio in Honduras Progress. For sale Óscar Salas and ingresa Marcelo Canales.

Munito 70: Newly salva el Hondiuras Progres. Ángel Tejeda enters the area, saves and removes money from José Mendoza’s body.

Minute 69: Double change in the Vida. Salen José Escalante and Guillermo Chavasco and ingresa Roger Sanders and Michael Rosales.

Minute 65: : Cambio in Honduras Progress: Sale of Roberto Diaz’s party and Ingress Yunni Dolmo.

Minute 64 Salvó el Honduras Progreso, jugada collectively and pass filtered to the area and José Escalente can not define the salute of José Mendoza.

Minute 57: Cambio en el Vida: Sale Julián Mendoza and ingresa Oliver Morazán.

Minute 54: The intention of Oscar Salas of balloon parade, but his remembrance salvage live on the brand of Arroyave.

Minute 48: Watch Honduras’ progress and defense Bryan Johnson take the lead in the shooting.

NOOOOOOOOO Ángel Tejeda lifts the mark of José Mendoza’s and Honduras’ Progress followed by the Ceibeño Stadium.

Minute 46: Penalty in favor of Vida passes a penalty offense against Alexander Aguilar.

Cambio en el Vida: Ingresa Dayron Suazo in the house of Bryan Barrios.

Regress the games and teams on the game board and in minutes initiate the second part of the game.


Minute 40: Chavasco disappears into the pasture race and José Mendoza gets into trouble with the balloon.

Minute 39: Yellow card for Bryan Jonhson and a free printable for Vida.

Minute 37: Goooolllll of Honduras Progress, Rotondi marks from the penalty spot and can win the progressive team.

Minute 36: Punish a favor of Honduras Progreso, luego de una mano de Julián Mendoza.

Minute 29: Julián Mendoza’s fault for Oscar Salas’s is the yellow card.

Minute 23: First amarilla card for Bryan Barrios due to failure against Rotondi and being shot in the Vida port.

Minute 20: The intention of the Vida, Ángel Tejeda received a balloon in depth, was given a mark and given to the mark of José Mendoza, who mandated the draw of the knife.

Minute 17: Continue the party without direct losses to the arcs of the gates.

Minute 8: Look for the Vida! Ángel Tejeda was about to surprise the goalkeeper José Mendoza, lying on a balloon in depth and he had to check first.

Minute 7: Honduras Progressive Shooting Team, but has no problems with Vida’s defense.

Minute 6: Vida y Honduras Progreso no hacen daño en un partido sin remates al marco.

Initiate the party to enjoy the first 45 minutes of the encounter.

The teams will be on the playing field and in brief minutes will start the game.

Welcome to the minute Vida vs Honduras Progress match!

Team alignments:

Asia buy el Vida: Julián Mendoza, José Colón, Guillermo Chavasco, Denis Meléndez; José Escalante, Bryan Bernández, Danilo Palacios; Alexander Aguilar, Cristian Arroyave, Carlos Sánchez and Ángel Tejeda.

The 11th of Honduras Progress: José Mendoza, José Quiroz, Jairo Puerto, Eduardo Rotondi, Arnaldo Urbina; José Barreto, Bryan Jonhson, Óscar Salas, Cristian Sacaza; Óscar Gonzalez Junny Dolmo.


The compromise between cocoteros and arroceros is being directed by Said Martínez.

Vida llega al duelo with the obligation to bring a series of 8 games without announcing the victory, a situation in which the bond intends to seek its first victory of the tournament.

While Honduras Progress intends to end the final results ahead of the cockroaches, where a total of 7 will be lost.
