Vida pierde la memoria del triunfo en el Clausura y suma su octavo empate consecutivo – Diez

The charge is even higher than for Nerlyn Membreno and the Vida Rojos, a 1-1 draw in the last suspect ahead of Honduras Progress.

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The cocoteros lost the memory of the triumph in this torneo, but with this empathy the arroceros suman his consecutive empath octavo.

Honduras Progreso llegaba a La Ceiba con la illusion de cortar una mala racha sin poder vencer al Vida y pocos minutos le faltaron para conquistarlo, pero un communication error between José Mendoza y Óscar González lo evitó.

However, the failure to score is an invoice in conjunction with La Ceiba, where two goals are scored and no powder can be concretized. The most obvious from the penalty spot, Ángel Tejeda gave the lift to José Mendoza’s meta.

Fernando Araújo’s team managed to score in the marker in the 37th minute, Matias Rotondi’s goal from the penalty spot.


Denilson Costa, Membreño’s technical assistant modified the team in the second half and showed a major in the attacking games, due to the lack of punctuation in the invoice.

When it was announced that the victory was by the Honduras Progress, a communication error between José Mendoza and Óscar González, the zaguero cabeceó and diverted the balloon to his own meta, where he managed to cross the finish line and Said Martínez no d decree the annotation.

With this result, the Vida comes with six points and the Honduras Progress escalates to second place with its units in its duels.


Team alignments:

Vida: Julián Mendoza, José Colón, Guillermo Chavasco, Denis Meléndez; José Escalante, Bryan Bernández, Danilo Palacios; Alexander Aguilar, Cristian Arroyave, Carlos Sánchez and Ángel Tejeda.

Cambios: Dayron Castillo x Bryan Barrios, Oliver Morazán x Julián Mendoza, Roger Sander x José Escalante and Michael Rosales x Guillermo Chavasco.

Golle: Autogol Óscar González.

Honduras Progress: José Mendoza, José Quiroz, Jairo Puerto, Eduardo Rotondi, Arnaldo Urbina; José Barreto, Bryan Jonhson, Óscar Salas, Cristian Sacaza; Óscar Gonzalez Junny Dolmo.

Cambios: Yunny Dolmo x Roberto Diaz, Marcelo Canales x Óscar Salas, Franklin Flores x Matias Rotondi y Samuel Lucas x Cristian Sacaza.

Golle: Matias Rotondi.
