Victoria Beckham: the millionaire losses of its brand will be obligatory to close

Victoria Beckham decided to abandon his musical career and Spice Girls to follow your sueño de ser fashion designer, lo cual logró con mucho esfuerzo, sin embargo, parece que su marko ne es tan profitable com elper esperaria, ya que ha report de perdidas millonarias en los ultimos años.

The woman known as the Posh Spice for its elegant form of clothing, logos position itself on the clothing market inside the fashion industry, without embarrassment, the sales appear to be somewhat reprehensible and the Victoria Beckham brand has had years of reporting as regards the entrants.

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From here you have David Beckham recently executed an auditorium of accounts and the results did not make any mistakes, even though they lost their millionaires. According to the Daily Mail, Victoria Beckham reports – 13.65 million euros in losses in 2019, more 14.2 million euros in 2018.

You must not see whether the estimate for the year 2020 has taken place, let us consider the sanitary conditions of the past and the limits of affective mobility and all the industries, as we do not have to add new figures to the patrimonial detriment that is Victoria Beckham reports.

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Will Victoria Beckham be able to close?

The financial situation of the company is where the British empresaria is obliged to apply an Temporary Employment Regulation Expedition (ERTE) in May 2020, so it is requested to issue an authorization to suspend various work contracts for a fixed period of time.

During this time Victoria Beckham applied for help from the state to regulate her financial situation, but, given that her personal fortune was valued at 400 million euros, the British did not live with the good money that the state paid for it. the critics of the female 46 years.

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Despoés de eso, Victoria Beckham renunció a las ayudas aberudales, pero aún no ha logrado sacar a flote su empresa, quien sabe si con la line de cosmetemics que lanzó el aoo pasado, bajo el mismo nombre, pueda reponerse un poco de las perdidas registradas que no son minor.

Tan solo between 2018 and 2019 reported losses of 27.85 million euros, while since the creation of its brand in 2008, Victoria Beckham has reported a total of 53.2 million euros, which appears to have a panoramic view of the origin of Harlow, United Kingdom.

If he had to make Victoria Beckham to put his finances in order and start saving the losses, because on the contrary he would have to invest his personal fortune or his money in order to make ends meet with the red numbers, so he only desea continue with its brand, whichever desea desea hacer.
