Víctor Sabi, the talent of RD who “blamed” Mandela and Obama

With the opening of 27 years of edition, the Dominican Víctor Sabi has been speaking in Spanish “A Promised Land” and “The Long Wagon Has Freedom”, books about two historical figures: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela, respectively.

Nacido and created in Santo Domingo, the young man explained to LISTÍN DIARIO reporters that he was the leader of President 44 of the United States, and the difficulties that led him to dig into a complete pandemic.

The casting took place in September of last year, recording, indicating that it had been contacted by the producer of the double issue of the Spanish book of Obama, submitting his proposal, which was held in his personal study center at Hogar, Cual winning result.

The notice of his selection reads one month later, initiating a calendar that includes grabbing sessions of up to 5 diaries, starting with everything in the Dominican Republic.

The reason for this is that antes start with the job the train of fue was announced with anteriority, for which he and the rest of the team work will have a scheduled time.

“We are making a public compromise with the fact that they have been confirmed. Diario entons hacíamos grabaciones of 4 to 5 hours; its a very intense grabbing session, first grabs one every 45 minutes, descends, and has ten most powerful energy ”, assures.

However, while more work is being done at the time of entry, more work hours are being set up, even if the final powder is to complete the work in a timely manner.

Once upon a time, Víctor indicated receipt of directories on his work from Los Angeles, United States.

‘N Pesar de esto in momento momento del libro tuvo que sproggelige besondere patron de habla del exjefe de Eortoamericano, principalemente cuando se tataba de politie discourseos, clearen que ne nte tre sencillamente imitar a quien habla, sino llevarles las palabras del autor los oyentes.

The nets

To initiate the final grabbing process of 2020, ‘n Sabi ya his producers the shock shock front with the nets that end the coronavirus pandemic, and the restrictions that come with it.

Among the main obstacles, the timetable of this week, which affects the hours that can take place in the study, in addition to the variations that should be implemented to complement aspects of the sanitation protocol imposed by the Government, as well as social distance.

Asimismo, subtrays the difficulty of the material with which works that, for a locator, a work classified as “large” suele ser, as maximum, the number of pages of 500, a figure much less than the amount of “A promised world” , which consists of more than 800 pages.

Tardia reaction

Many insure that the goose that experiments with the fathers in front of their houses is one of the Allegorous mayors that any person can have, but in the case of Víctor this parent parent must hope.

And it’s with the notification that the contest has been won, the ad announces that it will not be able to reach the topic.

The level of confidentiality shows that the audiobook version in Spanish is expected to be sold in conjunction with the English version, at the end of the last global launch.

Without embarrassment, when finally it can reveal this log to its relatives and friends expresses that the momentary moment of “jubilee”, as a result of the project is being carried out by a hazaña, only more so when a Dominican is treated.


Sabi afirmó que parte de las memorias del exmandatario estadounidense que más le marko fue el momento donde este logra ganar control de la Oficina Oval, tras el cual Obama se da cuente de todo el trabajo que tenia por delante, como líder de una las world power.

“When the presidency is over, no matter what happens, it will be as if it were a matter of course. It is a magnificent log, but now I have to solve many, many details that will be established in the Poder… the people have a high expectation, and believe that it is the part that makes me more, connect with this intensity of the moment “, expressed.

Other works

One of the previous works that appears in Víctor’s curriculum is the autobiography of the President of South Africa Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, entitled “El largo camino hacia la libertad”, ‘n finalees van 2018.

This is another type of reto for Sabi, which was able to pronounce famous words in some South African dialects, mainly the Xhosa, one of the once official languages ​​of this nation, which is based on many ‘clicks’ at the moment.

In addition to the previously mentioned mentions, the Dominican narrated other audio books in Spanish: “Dios”, by Reza Aslan, and “Cuentos de locos”, a compendium of points directed to the psychiatric area of ​​medicine.

He has also worked in e-learning (electronic teaching), documentaries, commercials, both at the local level as well as internationally.


Initial study at the Otto Rivera Local School, as well as at the Creative School Brother, although working on the same production with the collaboration in the Obama book narration, can participate in about five years with various plates with professionals extranjeros.

Your vocation

Víctor afirmó que descubrió esta vocation a través de otra: los dibujos animados.

This passion is the man with the double in Spain, and the young man is inspired by various generations of nines recording his childhood through the “muñequitos”.

On your initial initiative you will create your own animated content, and create one that you will see. This study has shown that it has graphic and sonic elements, maintaining a parallel incursion into the location.

Among his favorites in Japanese animation are One Piece, Naruto and Boku at the Hero Academy, while in the Occidental Quote Family Padre, The Simpsons, and The Boondocks.

More projects

Además de crear su propia serie animada, Sabi tiene thought to be walking around the world of the theater, explaining that elements of this discipline help him to become a better locator, at the moment of communicating with the eye.


Indicated that his narrative style was influenced by various figures of his profession, among them the Mexican Mario Arvizu, the actor Morgan Freeman (who performed his voice for documentaries and programs), Seth MacFarlane, creator of “Father of Family”.

The local level expressed its admiration for Teo Veras, Reynaldo Infante and Angely Báez.

In the sequel to the animated sequel to Japanese Akira Toriyama, creator of the Dragon Ball series, as preferred.
