Víctor Manuelle is at home: ¿Who is his wife?

Víctor Manuelle is at home: ¿Who is his wife?


Víctor Manuelle is officially a homeless man.

Víctor Manuelle announced that he had contracted matrimony with Frances Franco, with whom he maintained a consolidated amorous relationship since three years ago. The singer announced the announcement by means of a post on his official profile on Instagram.

“Since 13 years of conviction, I have the announcement that one of the most important decisions of my life. I happened to have this marvelous woman who decided to accept and share our lives with the rest of our days. @ francesfranco17 ”, pointed out the star of the stadium in his Instagram account.

The 52-year-old interpreter continues to say that he has not been housed previously: “EXCLUSIVOOOOOO! For if you have any doubts, I have never been married before ”.

Personalities like Luis Fonsi, Julián Gil, Olga Tañón and Noel Schajris react to the publication of the song with charged messages of good vibes: “CONGRATULATIONS family. Los quiero mucho ”,“ Vivan esos Novios !!!! Te casaste con tu mejor amiga … Es lo más esa muchacha … Sabia elección … Los quiero ”,“ Felicidades! Lots of clues to both ”,“ What a beauty, many things … The perfect couple. Always amé and admired his relationship… Cuídense y quiéranse mucho. Bendiciones ”.

For his part, Frances Franco dedicated a moving message to Víctor Manuelle in his official account on Instagram: “At the moment, I assure you that I have no more happiness in the world than you. God is the center of our union ”.

Franco is a Puerto Rican publicist and mediocre publicist on his official channel on the YouTube channel haco eco of Tourette’s Syndrome with a documentary based on his brother’s life.

Mediante on her Instagram profile, Franco promised to accompany Víctor Manuelle in the most important compromises of his artistic career. Currently, the couple lives in Puerto Rico.

In the first month of 2020, Frances Franco and Víctor Manuelle protagonized rumors of an imminent separation. Without embarrassment, the cantante prefirió mantenerse at this moment has the margin to offer any type of declaration of respect.

In the past, Víctor Manuelle had a sentimental relationship with the actress and television presenter Roselyn Sánchez and Edna Lisboa, the mother of one of his wives.

In the month of September 2010, the cantante estadounidense y Lisboa compadecieron ante un Tribunal de Puerto Rico por la custodia de su hija.

Víctor Manuelle is the father of three marriages, fruit of the amorous relationships that took place in the past: Yanishka Mar Ruiz, Kinaysha Mar Ruiz and Víctor Manuelle Ruiz. Pose to maintain a consolidated amorous relationship with Frances Franco, the couple has no parents of him in common.

Víctor Manuel Ruiz Velázquez, artistically known as Víctor Manuelle, is one of the most representative personalities in the salsa genre of Hispanic music. In addition to its large artisanal tray, the singer has already launched a number of musical albums that he has positioned on sale at world level.

With his charisma and indisputable talent, the country music lodge has presented in the most impressive scenes of the world the presence of fanatical miles that he was fascinated by each of his musical themes.

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