Víctor Manuelle has been dating for 13 years

El salsero puertorriqueño Víctor Manuelle, known as “El sonero de la juventud”, The announcement was made on Saturday that the woman with whom he shared the last 13 years of his life, his new wife Frances Franco.

“Since 13 years of conviction, I have the announcement that one of the most important decisions of my life. I happened to have this marvelous woman who decided to accept and share our lives with the rest of our days ”, sent the song on his Facebook social network account.

“My image is that we are not asked any more when we go home. The days that go by, YO let them know. EXCLUSIVOOOOOO! For if you have any doubts, I have never been married before ”, the artist.

Speaking of 13 years of conviction, here are the announcements that made one of the most important decisions of my life. I went with …

Posted by Víctor Manuelle on Saturday, January 23, 2021

The announcement of a very good ending to the rumors that Hubberi ended his sentimental relationship with Franco.

The “son of Juventud” initiated its lazy sentiment with the public relations activist in 2008 and since then he has appeared as one of the most established couples within the music industry.

Víctor Manuelle, 52 years old, is a Puerto Rican singer born in New York City, interpreting salsa, because he too has lived with romantic ballads.

The artist debuted in June 1993 with the album “Justo tiempo”, al seguirían casi 20 diskoteke.

In 2013 launched “I love you”, the finals of April 2015 vio la luz “Que suenen los tambores”, cuyo sencillo del mismo nombre ganó un lugar en las listas Top Latin Songs.

El Senado de Puerto Rico le otorgó “Distinguished in Music”.

Speaking of 13 years of conviction, here are the announcements that made one of the most important decisions of my life. I went with ...

Posted by Víctor Manuelle on Saturday, January 23, 2021

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