Vicente Fernández reacts to the controversy of the video with the following: “The offer is a discourse of all courage, but it is not with intent”

Due to the controversy that causes the images to be taken as Vicente Fernández touches the peck to a woman, the Mexican singer salió to give the car and pronounce on the wrong.

In an interview with the periodical Mara Patricia Castañeda, the patriarch of the Fernández made a discourse and said that the extravaganza pays attention to the light now, three years after he was ostracized.

I’m taking the photo and effectively I’m pushing my hand first on the stomach and day: ‘If I’m feeling offended’, and I’m feeling down, and when I’m taking the photo, Vicente explains about the moment in which the captain speaks to the young man.

The cantante commented that the controversy, the laws of enojarlo, the lastimo, but with the humility of the great, ofreció a dissulpa.

Ofrezco una discuspa de todo corazón, pero no lo hice con intent; if the hubiera hecho with the intention, no lo hago allí, the hubiera lifted to the cavalry“, Fernández is accused of being affected.

Explained that when fans enter the ranch they take pictures with all the visitors and then the cantaba in a private show where “the people are on the spot. Ni dejé al público, ni el público me dejó a mí ”.

When Mara Patricia recorded that she had two other women denouncing, and the question that the attribution that hayan delayed so long in alzar la voz, and if there was any strategy to get rid of it, Vicente said:

I’m doing the discourse, but I’m asking, I’m also abogados. La disculpa ya la di. For those of you who have never heard of it before, it’s not time to watch TV anymore.

Respect for the time that has passed since the photo was taken these days in which it went viral, Chente signaled that the “extra much” and lo “lastima, no me molesta, because you never have to lie to chismes; no fui un santo, y todos lo saben, pero nunca me vieron “. “Acosar es que yo la haya llevado a una caballeriza y que a la fuerza le haya bajado la blusa, eso es acoso, pero lo que paso fue un accidente. No he visto a las otras dos (mujeres que también lo acusan). También ellas my agarraban, me abrazaban y me llegaron a decir: ‘Una foto con beso’, y yo me dejaba, pero con la boca cerrada ‘, dijo Vicente.
