Vicente Fernández llora y se disculpa tras scandalo por tocar a fan | EL IMPARCIAL

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Vicente Fernández is one of the most recognizable songs in the country and also of the preferences of the public, without embarrassment one has these days envuelto in a scandal after having a fan indebtedly

Followed by the “Chisme No Like” program, which shared a video where it could be interpreted as “A million firsts” posing in a photo with three fans.

But lamentably in the image appears that the singer puts his mano just in the thumb of the young man who abrazaba for the photo.

It is for this reason that “Chente” decided to leave the car in an interview with Mara Patricia Castañeda where he explained that the question was missing in his response to his interviewer.

A thing is to retreat poor ahi y si derepente no me doy cuenta la que sigue y los que siguen, de todos modos me vuelvo a disculpar contigo hija, y cuando quieras esta es su casa “dijo Vicente.

The song does not contain the records and declares that it will not be easy to find this type of song, for its part the reporter claims that he is not that type of person.

Lamentably the tmabién composer when dio cone this video received strong criticisms by some users that reprobaron totally su sucedido.

If you have anything to do with it, the public will respect it “concluded the song.

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