Vicente Fernández disrupts the silent scandal of acoso

Tras scandal of acoso Vicente Fernández appeared in an interview with his ex, Mara Patricia Castañeda. The singer, from 80 years of age, offers a public disclaimer to the fan who has worked Tik Tok reveló hab sido tocada de manera appropriated by “El Charro de Huentitán” en 2017.

“I have the photo and effectively push my mano first in the stomach, we that the stomach and the day ‘it will be offended’; and under the mano, and when the subo, toman the mano … disculpa a todos los medios porque siempre me han tratado muy bien bien “, given by Vicente.

“Recognize that it’s bad, but it’s not been bromeando, it’s because it’s many people … the offer is a disculpa de todo corazón (aanhanger) “, aggregates the interpretation of ‘Acá entre nos’, which does not record the exact moment of the video that went viral, and since its return in 2016, has received fans’ interest in its ranch Los Tres Potrillos.

He sings a song.

“When I finish the photos, the cantaba and connect videos from where the people are fleeing the place because they put on a charcoal vest to hold a show”, explains Vicente Fernán, who has a compartment that receives the vacuna against Covid-19, as confirmed by Pepillo Origel one day.

“Yo doy la disculpa, pero ¿que me demanden? Yo metod también abogados… For the other two (fans) que dicen que salieron, eran segundos los que pasaban cuando tomaban las fotos … Desde ese día que salieron, yo no he vuelto a ver la televisión más que películas “.

Don Vicente sinceró.

“If I believe that he has intent, he repeats, I will lift him up to the back of the ranch, to the cavalry … My mayor always has the side that the public wants me and knows me … No fui un santo nie y todos lo saben, pero nunca me vieron, nunca … Luego me pedían una foto con beso y yo me dejaba, pero con la boca cerrada “. conclude the song.

The interpreter clarifies the situation.
