Veterans of the FMLN and FF. AA .: “29 years ago and we will not be late in the month” | El Salvador News

José and Jesús played the war, but in different bands. In the year 1992, eran enemigos irreconciliables y hoy celebran vivir en un pais donde desde hace casi 3 décadas pueden ser amigos.

“Definitely no”. José Santos Melara, alias “Pepe”, contends with this contest, and he and Jesus Quijano may have been working on the man as he was called.

In 1978, “Pepe” was integrated into the People’s Revolutionary Movement (ERP), one of the five armed groups that in 1980 conformed to the Front Farabundo Martí for the National Liberation (FMLN). On his right hand side, in the month, he is Jesus Quijano, who in 1986 was integrated into the Air Force, a frame of the Armored Forces of El Salvador (FAES). Hi, both are part of the Directive of the Institute of Beneficiaries for Veterans and Excombatents (INABVE). And he was my friend. But both of them, however, say that they are more than 29 years old and their differences are irreconcilable.

Ese is, in its juicio, the principal value of the paz firm, that salvadoran hermanos dejaran de matarse by his political ideas. “The war is a locura, nadie wants to regress. We will take care of democracy, peace and justice as we come together. Ya no hay cabida en el pais para combatir ideas con violencia ”, dobbeltsteen Santos Melara con esperanza.

But reading this is not easy, it is clear, and this message is read to the Salvadorans, and in particular to the young people who can go on occasion to send the peace.

Assembly declares 2021 as “The Year of the Bicentennial of the Independence of El Salvador and the Peace of Peace”

“If conditions for the moment of power are to be felt and key actors, such as the United Nations or the Catholic Church, are to promote the supremacy of this people,” said the exterminator.

Además, celebra otro punto: “Nos pusimos de acuerdo y la prueba más tasbaar de ello es que se firmaron los acuerdos y no volvoí a haber un discar para combatid ideas”.

Jesus Quijano further states that El Salvador is a world-level example of the compliment of these agreements.

“El cese al fuego ne se rompió por ninguno des los dosos protagonistas”, recalca con orgullo.

For this reason, there is a rhetorical critic who denies the importance of those who agree. a la locura ese 16 de enero ”.

A Washington Center accuses Bukele of calibrating the Peace Accords as a “bargain”

Agrega que “se callaron las armas y no volvoó a sonar un fusil entre las Fuerzas Armadas y el FMLN. We must protect the legacy of the Peace of Peace because we are the only ones on the battlefield and today, together, we will defend peace ”.

Y si bien “Pepe” y Quijano destacan con orgullo la historia, is onmoontlik geen adentrarse al presente y los riesgos que hoy enfrenta la paz …

Intent to rewrite history

In December 2020, Nayib Bukele starred in El Mozote’s box office, producing the greatest massacre of the warlord, that these and the chords made him a farce.

This is the production and the right of the large part of the Salvadoran society, including the sector of ex-combatants and veterans.

Santos Melara is committed and affirms that Bukele “will drill our history and create its own property”.

And there are so many vultures, adding that “the president is in love with the obsession with power, to convert to a god in the land and to bore and go all the way.”

“The Peace Accords of Paz do not make a fuss or make a farce”, academic dicen and political leaders in Bukele

Therefore, in addition to the rhetorical tricks and negating the historical value of the Peace Accords, add that the President intends to appeal to the excommunication sector (see separate note).

“Treat to drill history”, repeat. “I did not celebrate the Peace of Paz until I experienced a pandemic. He thinks that it does not exist, but we will celebrate it, ”he assured.

Quijano sums up and records the maximum life of “a people whose knowledge of history is condemned to repeat”.

Add to that the agreements that are the angular power that sustain democracy in this country and that they take care of, as long as their shortcomings and limitations are to work as a society and not to be used as excuses to promote peace and freedom.

“Pepe” is even more so and says that Bukele has no president to be president of these agreements and states that a benefit is clear that he has won the elections and when he is empty, he has no legitimacy in the triumph. “Sustainability is a benefit of those who agree”, dice.

Abuse of power

In addition to his intention to rewrite history, he came across a deranged derivative in the Bukele administration and similar actions to the one he witnessed in the war in the 1980s.

“In the conflict, there is a division in society between those who are in favor and against something. Yhoy, if you are not thinking like them (the Governor), you are the evil one ”, lamented Quijano.

In its juicie, the current governor encounters a divisive rhetoric and attacks actions that lead to a dictatorial attempt.

Santos Melara also aims to kill the media and criticizes the voices, situations that were recorded in the 1978 version that were to be integrated into the ERP.

“The only thing that fails is to fight with violence the ideas. We are kind to someone who, like us, has no one to think of like him, ”he lamented.

Hablar con ambos de los acuerdos no es solo hablar de historia, sino de discutir el present y sus riesgos, especialmente de la mano de un president que coquetea con el authoritarianism y desdeña la conquista historico de la paz.

Y, as at the moment, they lucen dispuestos a luchar por su país. “We will play for the sake of peace and we will defend it”, “Pepe” sentence.
