Verónica Montes reveals the joy that suffers from the blemishes that fall behind the implants

Following his official account of Instagram, Verónica Montes reveals that suffers a loss of life in the pitfalls, consequence of the implants of sense that you for many years. The actress, from 30 years of age, shares her experience and the physical cambio that she has, that she retains liquids.

“I’m gonna love the queries I share these photos and talk about what I’m going through. prolactin alta, it’s a hormone that the mother estimates to produce leche, as it is in women who are embarrassed and women who are loving “, platika.

“And I hope that it will retain its liquidity and also that it will always be cansada sin fuerzas de hacer nada. If it’s horrible to be here, because I’m the person I’ve been to, I’m temprano to train and approve the day to the maximum, and ultimately I have ”,’s puede leather.

The actress shares the details.

“I also know that I’m alive of my image and the world has nothing to do with it. inflamed la cara y todo el cuerpo. Thanks to God, I’m going to treat you to the moment I want to take my car and my body as I always do and I want to take the strengths to get the most out of it “.

It's not going well.

Finally, Veronica has added the quarantine models received by her fans, who did not give her a single date in this situation: “Thank you for all the support messages that are always received! Love”, conluye la también modelo.

Verónica tomo ñla decision.
