Verónica Castro has a natural effect on all the recipes of vacuna against COVID-19

Verónica Castro impact – his followers tras lucir his canas to nature to assist in evacuating against the COVID-19.

Castro, 68 years old, received the first dose of the vaccine against coronavirus of Acapulco.

See the medical staff who shared some photographs with Veronica Castro luciendo a red robe and black loincloths. Without embarrassment, in some cases, the actress and singer presume her iconic songs.

Castro was added to the list of celebrities who had received the vaccine against COVID-19 in Mexico, like Silvia Pinal, Ana Martin, Pedro Sola and Enrique Guzmán, by mecnionar some.

Castro’s last appearance on television in “La Casa de las Flores”, a Netflix series directed by Manolo Caro. Asimismo, participating in the 2019 edition of “Pequeños Gigantes” and in the movie “Dime Cuándo Tú”, will interpret the abula y dijo: “I feel very old with the character, esas maquillistas me hicieron ahí cosas y luego me pusieron unas pelucas, pero mírenme ahora, no necesité ni pelucas, ni arrugas, ni nada, así me trajo la pandemia “.

Have a week, Castro poses for a brand of accessories and shows off his filters, something that is applauded by his followers.


