Verónica Castro compares photo con su rostro to natural

The characteristic features of Verónica Castro are revealed in a series of photographs circulating in the story of IG of the Mexican actress.

The artist appears natural, lucidizing a painting without makeup for the 68 years.

Recorded by his protagonists in telenovelas like Los ricos también lloran, El derecho de nacer y Rosa salvaje, if the halos of its followers are placed in front of a brand of accessories and show off their filters.

With the revelation of the Chinese in the City of Mexico, Verónica Castro regresses to the large pantall of the mano of his brother Michel Castro with the belt I love you, en donde interpretará a una abuela.

Recently, in an interview with El Universal, Castro bromeó about his character, the pandemic and the road.

“I feel very sorry for the character, my make-up artists hicieron ahí cosas y luego me pusieron unas pelucas, per mírenme ahora, no necesité ni pelucas, ni arrugas, ni nada, asi me trajo la pandemia”, bromeo en conferencia de prencea.

The actress regresses to the big pant with the belt
The actress is regressing to the big pantyhose with the song “Dime cuándo tú”.

The story presents the story of “Will” (Jesús Zavala), who was forced by his parents to travel from Los Angeles to the City of Mexico to escape the monotony. On the truck you will meet “Dani” (Ximena Romo), who will give you a love lesson. Also featured are Héctor Bonilla, Rosa María Bianchi and youtuber Juca Viapri.

“La Vero”, like the lame man, will say in December 2020 that he is happy to be back in his job as much as he is.

“I’m always learning from girls, regressing easily, I feel very happy to meet my early mates’s companions, I’m working and regressing it is marvelous,” he said.
