VERDADERO: Medicines for hypertension are safe for Covid patients

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An international study conducted in 20 major hospitals of the EU, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina demonstrated that medicines to treat arterial hypertension do not interfere with the recovery of covid-19 y and general pueden seguir usand .

The studio, recently published in The Lancet, it is proposed to monitor the types of pharmaceuticals, the inhibitors of the enzyme converter of angiotensin, conocidos such as ACEI, and the blockers of the receptors of the angiotensin, called ARBs, podium to mitigate the complications of covid-19 or the opposite.

The arrogant investigation “a fortieth evidence” that the covid-19’s patients can follow immediately without fear and that empires their situation, says one of the participants, the cardiologist Carlos E. Alfonso, associate professor of the Faculty of Medicine Miller of the University of Miami (UM).

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Alfonso and María Carolina Delgado-Lelievre, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Integral Center of the UM Hypertension Center, will present the results of the study.

To coordinate the dates of receipts from the participating hospitals, a center of the University of Pennsylvania (EEUU).

The study was carried out on 152 hypertensive people -90 of them from the EU – who were admitted with covid-19 in the participating hospitals between 31 March and 20 August 2020 and from the beginning of their hospitalization with ACEIs or ARB’s.

Of these, 75 elusive azar continue to take all their medications and 77, miscarriages of the same way, dejaron de tomarlos, both medical supervision in both cases.

No different differences between both groups as to their possible interaction with covid-19, concluded.

The students studied were hospitalized with a five-day promise, with a media age of 62 years and 45% were women.

Eight and two of the participants’ origins are in Spanish, following the file of the study.

“More than 50% of adults in the United States have hypertension, the risk number is one for the diseases of the heart, so it is very important to determine that these drugs do not modify the risks that support them. covid-19 for a person ”, says Delgado-Lelievre.

Alfonso agreed that before the studio was created it would take over ACEI’s o ARB’s can be an additional risk for hypertension that is associated with covid-19, “debit in the form in which the virus attacks cellular receptor determinants”, and is thought to be such that the pod is good to take drugs.

Now it seems that “does not have an adverse effect”, aggregate.

The results of the study are consistent with another large scale carried out in Brazil, entitled “Brace Corona”, which were presented at the European Society of Cardiology and are published publications, according to the UM specialist.

Follow the World Health Organization (OMS), more than one in five adults in the world has elevated arterial tension, a strain that causes approximately the mitigation of all injuries due to cerebrovascular accident or cardiopathy.

The complications of hypertension are the cause of 9.4 million dysfunctions each year.
