Vera Gedroitz, the circus prince who revolutionized war medicine | Sociedad

The child suele serves for accumulating experiences and selective records, but on many occasions it is also a source of trauma that overwhelms our companions throughout life. In Vera Gedroitz, the death of one of his hermens, although very united, the level of nineteen to seek to study Medicine to save lives and soothe the suffering. It was love for her husband Sergei, who also inspired the seudonymous literature with which he wrote his works, poetry and autobiographies, to the great extent of his life.

In order to be a descendant of the Lithuanian reality, the life of Vera Gedroitz was not without power. Polyphacetics and eccentrics, gracias in medicine are converted into a reference in war surgeries and salvage scents in the front with its revolutionary methods of laparotomy. Few revolt of nines and conflicting youths, detained by their revolutionary ideas, are made by convention to be able to study in another country. Without embarrassment, his dedication to the surgery and the doctrine of the Pioneer conquest in these ambitions and has begun his work in the Russian Imperial Palace.

The princess Vera Ignatievna Gedroitz, her father-in-law, died this day, April 19, 151 years ago, in 1870, in the Government of Oriol of the Russian Empire -current Ucrania-. See the search for five German men with a family in what is Germany’s procedure and their father’s belonging to the Lithuanian realm

Poco knows about the infancy of Vera, apart from the profound cicatriz that the production of the death of his German Sergei, because he developed his interest in Medicine and promise to help prevent the supremacy. Su abuela la enseño a leer ya write, música, baile y también a hablar en francés.

Vera assisted at the Bryansk Women’s Secondary School, but was forced to continue working with its masters. His father quits that he initiates medicine as an assistant in a factory, but is finally admitted to school and graduated with many good notes. Continuing his education in San Petersburg, even though the young man was forced to risk his future in the United Revolutionary Movement, he was detained, expelled from the studios and became a prisoner.

In order to conclude his studies, and in addition to the impossibility of doing so in Russia, Gedroitz organized a meeting of convention with his friend Nikolai Belozerov in San Petersburg. Be used as a new number to obtain a passport and travel to Switzerland to study at the University of Lausana, form to become a citizen and graduate in 1898, new with brilliant qualifications as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery title.

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In Switzerland, he conducted his investigations into surgery, but in 1900 he was obliged to return to Russia when he received a card from his father stating that he had information that his brother Alexandra had tuberculosis and that his mother suffered from nervous agitation. The pledge to Vera that regressed and changed the promise would help to get a job in a new hospital of a factory of 10 beds that was being built.

During his stay in Russia, Gedroitz was immediately contracted in the Maltsov Cement Factory and allotted to own cirujana. When only one year has passed since then, 248 surgical operations, including amputations, hernias and fractures, have been performed, with a minimum of deaths. Provided with the general health of workers, Vera elaboró ​​a list of recommendations for factory administrators and also commenced to publish scientific articles in Russian medical magazines, which were rapidly and widely used.

On February 21, 1903, he received the validation of his title of Medicine in Russia, which allowed him to run as a citizen in all parts of the country. A year later, with the staging of the war between Russia and Japan, Gedroitz volunteered as a volunteer to go to the front with the Red Cross. In the first month of the war, the first cirujana in a contingent reached 1,255 patients, including more than 100 patients with herpes in the head and 61 patients with abdominal herpes.

On the occasion and the professionalism of the valieron will be numbered cirujana in jefe of the hospital train, which constitutes an operating carriage and five carriages for patients. The wagon of operations was a specially equipped chirurgical unit, summoned by the noble rush to allow the attention to the herids to be carried out along the front lines.

Gedroitz was the first to perform laparotomy on military patients with a method that required performing the surgical intervention within the three posterior hours to be hereditary. Its tax case is based on the fact that the Russian Ejército and the Russian military medical company officially adopt its operating procedures.

With the sudden death of the Russian, Gedroitz helped organize the evacuation of the hospital train, which was carried out by fleeing arms because the troops were unable to retreat until the patients were transferred. In 1905, Vera regressed to the Hospital de la Fábrica Maltsov como cirujana jefa y fue nombrada jefa medica del Hospital Lyudinovskaya.

In addition to hernias and industrial lesions, Gedroitz’s publications also include surgical surgeries for the obstetrician, the thyroid gland and various tumors that are seen in patients. His experiences of chiropractic interventions include abdominal and thoracic heredity, amputations, ectopic embarrassments, facial and tendon reconstructions, intestinal resections, hysterectomies, cranial trepidation and shredding.

In 1909 the empress Alexandra Feodorovna converted to Gedroitz as the chief resident physician of the Hospital de la Corte and first female medicine of the real case, encircling the departments of Surgery and Gynecology-Obstetrics, in addition to being the pediatrician of the minor of the palace. It was the love of Vera for the medicine and the surgery that he used to involve them in the empire of Alexandra and her daughters Tatiana and Olga teaching the basics of surgery.

With the revolution of the revolution in 1917 and verse arranged the real family property rusa, Gedroitz wanted to work as a warrior one more time. This is the beginning of the First World War, although it does not correct the mistake that in its first beautiful experience, it was here and there in Kiev.

The Royal Pavilion of Brighton (United Kingdom) was converted into a hospital during World War I.  The Girdwood Collection / British Library

What medicine has to do with the First World War

Alli, a recovered person, Vera Gedroitz was contracted to teach pediatric surgery and finally received the title of professor and resumed his cargo at the University of Kiev from 1929. Without embargo, medicine was not his only occupation. Additions of numerous medical articles on nutrition and surgical treatments during his stage as a professor, his talent as a writer extends the publication of various collections of poems based on real works, among them publications La vida. They tell the story of his personal journey that he took to serve in the front in 1904.

Gedroitz, known for his eccentricities, his masculine clothing and his grave, failed in March 1932, at the age of 61, was the victim of a uterine cancer diagnosed one year ago. Fue enterrada in Kiev y al parecer su tumba fue attende duros villos años por un arzobispo a quien había tratado en su juventud. When mourning the prelude eligio is entered next to her.

The legacy of Vera Gedroitz, to be a great descendant, continues vigilant with its medical procedures of the principles of Sail XX and its success with the treatment of abdominal heredity, which plays a relevant tan paper in international military medicine. Pioneers in the application of laparotomy for the treatment of abdominal herds in the front of battle, one of the first females of Russia to work as a cirujana, the first to convert to a professor of surgery and to work as a military doctor, as a physician in the Imperial Palace.
