Venezuelan students announce movements from all over Caracas to demand “a great life”

Venezuelan Students in a March (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive)
Venezuelan Students in a March (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive)

The students of Venezuela will announce the games that will take place on April 19th. series of moves in various points of the country which culminates in the capital city, Caracas, where the end of the crisis and “una vida digna”For all citizens.

The students are from the interior of the country of Caracas, to the capital city, and we are demanding a life for each of us“, During a meeting of Directives of the Confederation of Students of Venezuela on the vocation of autonomous universities, Yeissel Pérez.

Our route starts on April 19th, when all the young Venezuelan girls would take the calls to initiate the crossing of the country, ”he said.

This day, in which Venezuela celebrates the 211 years of the Declaration of Independence, the beginning of the process for the emancipation of Spain, the students marching in Caracas “from three fundamental epicenters”In the states of Zulia (west), Mérida (west) and Bolívar (sur).

No announcement has been made as to what the young women are thinking about in the Venezuelan capital, as it is planned to sort out the restrictions on the proprietary mobility of queens in Venezuela to release COVID-19 contagions, which killed more than 1,450 people in the Caribbean.

The students of Venezuela announce that from the next 19 April we will start a series of movements in various points of the countries that culminate in Caracas (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive)
The students of Venezuela announce that from the next 19 April we will start a series of movements in various points of the countries that culminate in Caracas (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive)

The voice of the private universities of the country, Terry Villanueva, trusted in the high commission of the UN for human rights, the Chilean Michelle Bachelet -as well as the international community- be aware of these movements to ensure that the Venezuelan authorities do not intend to impede.

We announce to the regime, and specifically to Nicolás Maduro, that if we intend to reprimand or repress, we will be responsible for our integrity”, Añadió Villanueva.

Venezuela seeks more than a chorus on the political and economic crisis of its modern history, which is expressed in high inflation and the emigration of some five million people.

Pérez says that the situation in which the country is facing “death or death” and the suffering of all Venezuelans.

The leader opposes Juan Guaidó, to which various lands reconciled as president encarched, respond to the call to mobilization convened by the students and the support provided. “Estamos bestend y Venezuela también. It’s the moment to orient all our homes to a solution in our country, ”he said.

(With EFE information)


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