Venezuela realizes in March the joint military junction Escudo Bolivariano

Operational Strategic Command


Reunin preparatoria del eiercicio. Photo: Operational Strategic Command

26/02/2021 | Karakas

Carlos E. Hernndez

La Fuerza Armada Nacional of Venezuela realized, at the beginning of March, the Ejercicio de Acción Conjunta e Integral Escudo Bolivariano ‘Commandante Supremo Hugo Chávez Frías 2021‘En el Defensive Territorial System, the only thing that will cover the whole national territory.

The joint sentence will be followed by Operational Strategic Command of the National Armored Force (Ceofanb), as the body responsible for the planning and conduct of military operations, and will, as proposed, “increase the operational strength of the Bolivarian National Army, combat and expel the internal, external and Colombian armed forces that may official note.

In this sense, the commander of Ceofanb, admiral in jefe Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, active, on February 22, the preparation phase of the acquisition during a meeting with the integrants of the City Mayor Conjunto and the commanders of the eight regione eIntegral Defense Strategies (Redi) by video conferencing, to give instructions on how to ejaculate.

In principle, the ownership of the four military components of the National Army Force (Ejército, Armada, Military Aviation) y la Milicia Bolivariana.

Defensive Territorial System

El Defensive Territorial System is marked by Venezuela’s actual military doctrine, Integral Defense of the Nation, and the mandate of its various levels, as well as the military components of the National Armored Force, is owned by the commander of Ceofanb, in order to function in an integral manner.

It conforms to the strategic regions of Integral Defense, Defensa Integral operating zones (Zodi), areas of Defensa Integral (ADI), and other Defense Organization organs.

In the current news also Redi: Occidental, Los andes, Los llanos, Central, Capital, Oriental, Guayana y Maritime Insular. Las ocho Redi encuadran, in total, 28 Zodi, una per cada entidad regional y cuatro Maritime Insular, while the ADIs are subordinate to these.

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