Venezuela publishes studios in pharmacy recommended by Maduro against covid-19

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, says he believes that his country will publish “in close proximity” the studies carried out in the Carvativir pharmacy, which agree with the mandate to act in a complementary manner to the treatment against the SARS-COV-2 virus , which causes covid-19.

“If a brutal campaign has been launched against Carvativir, it is an antiviral, helping as an antiviral to paralyze, neutralizing the coronavirus cell”, said Maduro during the semantic balance between the covid-19 in Venezuela.

“If it is demonstrated scientifically, we will study the study (s) in the next days, the international scientific publication will be carried out with all the studies of the Carvativir”, added.


Last Wednesday, the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) announced that the halls were published about the Carvativir, a pharmacy developed in Venezuela in which Maduro had defended these days as a “militarism” that neutralized 100% of the coronation.

Sondeverbod, Maduro corrected its initial statements, which reconciled Habiban’s controversial “dispute”, signaling that Carvativir was “complementary” in treatment against covid-19.

Hoy, the mandate says that the dudas who despise the pharmacy are based on “the envy” and “the selfishness” of the global powers and the great pharmaceutical companies.

“(By) the success of mental health if the fight against ideological and political criteria the rationale of science”, agreed.


The Minister of Science of Venezuela, Gabriela Jiménez – who assisted Maduro in her high school day – said that a Venezuelan scientific research institute was conducting the first studies on pharmacy, which were completed in private outdoor laboratories.

“The results (from the studies) will demonstrate that patients need a modulator effect with the Carvativir”, Jiménez said. “The results are interesting and they have the articles”, sumo.


Last week, Maduro signaled that Gobierno would immediately initiate the “massive production” of this drug, in order to establish a direct distribution system that would ensure the dosage of all hospitals and health centers in general.

Además, dijo que estima exportar miles de dose de Carvativir a los paises du juntu a Venezuela integran el bloque ALBA-TCP (Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Haití y otras naciones caribeñas) y comercializarlo con otras naciones un las que mantiene una ” , although no one mentioned it.

In this sense, the secretary general of the ALBA-TCP, Sacha Llorenti, said in a dissident interview that he was a member of the Venezuelan public television that Carvativir constituted “a signal of hope” in the fight against covid-19 in the region , and it hopes to produce massive form.
