Venezuela pone en marcha eiercicio nacional en homenaje a Hugo Chávez | Notice

Venezuela realizes the part of this city and has the closest proximity to the Bolivar Army Escudo “Commander-in-Chief Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías 2021”, in the mark of the anniversary octave of the physical part of the commander of the Bolivar Revolution.


Legacy of Hugo Chávez a vigente in Venezuela and Latin America

The display of all the forces of Venezuela in a civil-military union commences at 06:00 local time (10:00 GMT) and will last until March 7, in accordance with the information provided by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

The eefe estado dio a conocer en un tuit que ordenó “a nuestra gloriosa Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) poner en marcha el Ejercicio Escudo Bolivariano ‘Commandante Supremo Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías 2021’ ‘.

In response, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, commented on his Twitter account: “I heard CJ. Mañana (these fours) are going to run the CEOFANB with all its mandate structure, operational capacity and logistics capacity ”.

It is with the end of honoring “the memory of my Commander-in-Chief Hugo Chávez, that he never lives in us”, manifested the minister.

The Operational Strategic Commander of the FANB, A / J Remigio Ceballos, stated on its part that “proceedings before the execution of the Elevcio Escudo Bolivariano (…) with a national deployment to raise the operational performance and guarantee the safety of our Cmdte and Jefe Nicolás Maduro. ! We will win! ”.

The Venezuelan chancellor, Jorge Arreaza, recorded in a single coma, hace ocho años, “in the middle of the dolor, can subject the man of the Commander-in-Chief, Hugo Chávez, in his last seconds of physical life”.

“The path that leads to tranquility and that we will always shine to complete his work, the Bolivar, the Patria, the Hope and the Equality”, revealed Arreaza.
